Tevez to return (Merged)

I have backed the idea of Tevez making a return, in terms of the possible positive impact he could make to push us over the top.

The manager and the owners must be backed and trusted to make the decision in the best interests of the club.

However, having seen what Tevez has come out with, it has quickly reminded me we are not dealing with a full deck here.

The interview was as self-centered and ego-driven as ever, to the point of delusion about what he believes he still means to us.

Clear digs at the integrity of club, snide digs at players and staff. He still sees himself as the most important aspect in the whole situation.

The references to United, nothing more than childish agitation.

For all of the above, I now consider myself out.

Fuck the title if it comes down to it, simply, the lads will have done their absolute best and been done by an even more monumental effort.

We are not going away. We will not go quietly into the night.

My proudest moment this season came in defeat, when the lads battled back against United.

Keep making me proud.
The arguing in this thread is premature as we have three capable strikers and Tevez will be no where near maych fitness. He might get to play a few dying minutes in the Euro cup but him coming back after we are out of every cup competition is just like him.

Mancini won Tevez knows his career is close to ruin.
SWP's back said:
hgblue said:
DontLookBackInAnger said:
I'm guessing those that see it as a weakness don't hold the view that he has mis-handled the situation. Moreover I know a number of dippers that are outragued at their ownership for getting involved in what went on at the weekend.

Mancini has either handled the situation well and having Tevez back now is a sign of weakness on his behalf, or he has handled the situation badly and has been put in his place by the club's owners. One or the other, not both.
It is not one or the other at all.

Since when are they the only options?

What about Mancini handled it well, so well that Tevez is having to come back and apologise having failed to hold the club over a barrell. Mancini has won whichever way you look at it.

spot on.
Pigeonho said:
Bit mixed about this. If he comes back, behaves and scores well then fair kop, however the initial signs are he won't, (behave).
I just remember the Asprilla effect on Newcastle's title challenge. Yes I know Tevez is already our player, but the squad and first team in particular are settled and driven. Tevez could ruin that or he could indeed score 6 to help us win it. As I say, i'm a bit mixed on it.

If he scores 6 it's because he's playing for Tevez. It will upset the whole balance of the team at the most crucial time.
SWP's back said:
r.soleofsalford said:
SWP's back said:
It's not a question I need to answer fella as I wouldn't drop any of them. I'd play two and two different options from the bench. Utd seem to cope with 4 strikers in their matchday squads.

Look at the benches we have had in the last 2 months. There hasn't been many options to change games.

if tevez is picked before aguero, balotelli or dzeko, or is even called on to replace one of those three. do you think this would cause one holy shitstorm, just when we dont need it.
In a word, no.

In a few words, not a chance.

it is for the MANAGER to decide. Not a fucking player. That is the whole point. I also expect our players to be professionals and accept what is best for the club going forward.

i can except the reason he`s coming back and the reason we are having him back is for contractual obligations and to maximise and our transfer fee.

i also believe there could be some truth that bob flapped at bayern giving this scarred twat the excuse he needed to behave the way he did. this does not change my opinion that it would be a mistake to play him.

but as you say thats down to the manager. more than likely the reason his coming back is part of the legal game between our club and tevez and the snake
Cheesy said:
svennis pennis said:
r.soleofsalford said:
of the 3 stiker who have got us 2 points clear of our nearest rivals, who would you drop to accomodate tevez and you think that would be good for moral

Dzeko. Tevez fits our system, can create a goal out of nothing and more importantly can control a football.

Drop our second highest scorer? Someone who has been the model of professionalism in his time here. For a little **** who thinks more of himself than the team. Way to go to alienate Dzeko!

The question was asked, who would be dropped. That would be my answer.

i hate the **** with a passion but if we have to have him back then he has to play, as regardless of his personality he is probably still our best striker when fit.

i would hardly call Dzekos reaction to being substituted in Munich "Model professionalism."
Breadsnapper said:
Jumanji said:
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
You can keep saying it but it doesn't make it true.
The situation has always been the same with Mancini: Carlos apologises, and he's welcome.

Tevez and Kia both said yesterday that he will be apologising. Thus, he will return to the squad.

Now if he decides today or whenever that he travelled all this way to not apologise (knowing full well this requirement), then he really is thick as fuck.
So the interview yesterday was all part of buttering up Mancini for his apology. The man is a fucking tool!
By the way, not defending Tevez but keep in mind that Tevez really is stupid and uneducated. I remember the translator yesterday tweeting that he has to translate from Tevez to Spanish! This is a guy from the slums of Argentina, with no good education, that only knows how to strike a ball. It's no surprise that he is easily manipulated (Kia).

He probably doesn't have manners and just says what is on mind. I don't think he even realises that his answers to the interview don't really help his case to be honest.

And in fact, I'm not sure he even cares.

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