Tevez to return (Merged)

Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

tolmie's hairdoo said:
The days of drawing a distinction between ourselves and United are long gone. The owners want us to be them and more in terms of success and worldwide appeal.

They backed Cantona and Rooney, the rest is history, as they say.
We don't have to be like the rags to be successful. Stop using that as your straw man.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

i would welcome him back till the end of the season, i do think we are 1 player too short up front, and just imagine us winning the league and it happens against the rags with tevez scoring the winning goal
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Eccles Blue said:
So I've been sitting here, supping my cuppa, thinking about this.........

You work for a firm and have toiled in the rain, wind and snow since Munich, been slated and praised by people, who claim to be your supporters, and in the media. Then you hear that an Argentinean is returning who has been sunning himself, playing golf, spending time with his family and generally having a good time. You get laid off so that he can come back. How would you feel? Soooo happy to see him back??????

Fair point well made.Put like that it could well upset team moral at such a crucial stage
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Skashion said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
The days of drawing a distinction between ourselves and United are long gone. The owners want us to be them and more in terms of success and worldwide appeal.

They backed Cantona and Rooney, the rest is history, as they say.
We don't have to be like the rags to be successful. Stop using that as your straw man.

You're correct. We don't have to be like the rags to be successful.

But we do have to be professional, and we do have to make the best use of our resources, and we do have to back the manager at this time, no matter what his decision.

Or are we facing another "Capello moment" when the manager is either backed or sacked?
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

To me this is all about the depth and sincerity of any apology.

If Tevez comes out and says sorry for Munich and then fucking off in November to us, the fans, then I would begrudgingly accept his reinstatement in the team.

I do not pretend to speak for the manager or any of the players, and on that basis I will leave the appropriateness of any apology to those parties to them.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

I'd take him back if it helps us win.

This can be a career-defining moment for Mancini. If it fires us to the title, he will be lauded for it even by people who never wanted to see Tevez again.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Skashion said:
I'll back the manager, I won't back Tevez.

That's fair enough.

There's a few players at City I would like to see the back off, so I suppose it's the same thing. I support the team even though I think they're not good enough. But the manager does think they're good enough, so I live with it...
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

egg on face time for those ppl calling 4 him to come back, what if he comes back and plays and we come 2nd? how long before we get a thread saying we would have won without him, personally i think it would bring disharmony to the team, and tbh wouldnt bobby look silly after saying he wont play for me again and all managers backing him and then accept him back, we would be a laughing stock imo.
headlines would be, city go crawling to tevez for title run in

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