Tevez to return (Merged)

Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Soulboy said:
That's fair enough.

There's a few players at City I would like to see the back off, so I suppose it's the same thing. I support the team even though I think they're not good enough. But the manager does think they're good enough, so I live with it...
I've been following the same policy since December 2010 any way. I don't cheer his goals as anything but City goals. I don't cheer his name and I don't sing his songs.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

i wouldn't like it and don't have as much hope re: impact on the pitch as some, but if mancini and the players were fine with it that's plenty good enough for me
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

If he is prepared to return and play for City then this must be welcomed as he is a great player.

Whether he will accept the olive branch is another matter. The ball is in his court and has been for months.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

If the powers that be at City are prepared to offer an olive branch to Tevez knowing that it could help with our title bid then so can I.. My love for my club far outweighs my dislike for Tevez...

City Til I Die.. n'all that :)
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

IMO this has probably more to do with repairing the brand Tevez, and little to do with our push for a title.

Immense damage has been done to the Tevez image over the last four months or so, and this will go some way to repairing that, he will get his move elsewhere in the summer with some kind of reputation intact, and we will get something close to market value for him, which in comparison to the current situation appears to be a win win both for him and the club.

You may see him in a City shirt again, but only up to May.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Skashion said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
The days of drawing a distinction between ourselves and United are long gone. The owners want us to be them and more in terms of success and worldwide appeal.

They backed Cantona and Rooney, the rest is history, as they say.
We don't have to be like the rags to be successful. Stop using that as your straw man.

There are posts on here stating that we need to retain our soul, maintain a moral stance, which what makes us different from United.

The day we were taken over was the day the Manchester City as we always knew it, took on another form.

I would argue we have to be like the Rags and more to be successful. Doesn't sound great, does it.

But neither is the reality that they have been the benchmark for success for two decades.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

who gives fuck about other clubs, this is mcfc not salford rags, i dun give 2 shits bout them lot, and tbh why would we keep comparing ourselves to em twats anyway. its a new PL era, and that era is blue!!!!!!!!!!
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

de niro said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
rickmcfc said:
Well said. So do you expect him to be playing for us again, will he come back on Tuesday as reported or is this all paper talk?

I do. They are direct quotes sanctioned by the club. The rest is a brief.

i dont trust him, reckon he'll score an own goal in the derby.
remember chuckle's 2 own goals v everton.

You don't trust him?

Many people are assuming he is an automatic starter. He will have played enough games by the derby for Mancini and the fans to have determined if he playing to agenda.

He might hate Mancini, but he hates Ferguson a lot more.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Tevez is a steaming lump of dog shit.......... but unfortunatley he's still our steaming lump of dog shit and if he'd had the grace and common sense to apologise to Mancini when the olive branch was offered, what happened in Munich would have been over and done with until the opening of the summer transfer window.

If we didn't need him for the run in then Tevez returning should be a definite no!!! But if Tevez scored the winning goal that secured our first top level title for over 40 years, all the record books would show is the fact that we won a title, not who scored the winning goal. Where Mancini and the club are concerned, there must be legal implications if Tevez were told that he wouldn't play regardless of being fit and available.

This legal implication and the fact that we actually DO need a fourth world-class striker is enough for me to swallow my vomit and accept Tevez back through gritted teeth whilst lying back and thinking of the bigger picture. Tevez has used us for financial gain, let's use him in the pursuit of glory. After this summer Tevez will be a dim and distant memory, and just like a much loved ex who broke your heart by cheating on you with a mate, time will heal the hurt and pain he's caused us.

Pride comes before a fall so let's not bite our collective noses off to spite our faces, because ultimately football is all about the glory and not how we achieved it....................
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Tevez and his people now know first hand how stubborn our owners are, we had numerous chances to get shot of him in January and as know offer met our valuation or terms we stood strong and Tevez was left in limbo. Its in Tevez best interests now to get his head down give his all for our cause (no matter how big or small his role will be) and in the summer his move away could well be a much smoother operation for all parties.
On a side note if he does put a City shirt again I wont boo him or anything like that, But any cheering I give is to the team, not him.

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