tevez to stay at city ??

cibaman said:
I think everyone deserves a second chance

He has probs been a twat a dozen times throughout his career. How fucking stupid would if be if he was wearing a blue shirt and we were singing his name?!
I hate him. Just wish he'd vanish, hint hint, his poison is so obvious and blues who can't see this, well......, second chance, he's had two already.
Nige dump KIA.
Really hope i'm right and we actually break that little d#go ****. Whole episode makes me want to attack the slimey shit on sight.
Well done City for doing it properly.
If i'm not mistaken he is all set to sue Mancinin, if somebody was about to sue me and i was his boss, i don't think i'd be his biggest fan!
Despite the general opinion here, and while I agree with most of it, I still have a feeling that Mancini will give him another chance for an apology. Why? Because:

1) Mancini himself has done it, and he knows the consequences of being sidelined. Now, that he is a manager, he understands the perspectives from both sides. That's exactly why he tried to have that 1am meeting with Tevez. And his recent comments, if the papers are to be believed, has hinted at reconciliation a few times.
2) Despite having the complete backing from the owners, Mancini still has to look at the financial aspects in terms of FFPR, and City would still be paying a considerable amount to Tevez for not doing anything.
3) He always has to look at the worst-case scenario for the club. If, God forbid, two of the forwards are injured/unfit, and there is an upcoming crunch game, he would have to consider Tevez as an option, before looking at the youth players.
4) This would be a massive PR boost for Mancini, if he appeared magnanimous. I mean, he has already come out tops from this fiasco, and the recent developments both on and off the pitch has consolidated his hold,but by offering Tevez a lifeline, he comes out to the players as being both hardline and understanding.

Of course, all this depends on Tevez issuing a grovelling apology to Mancini and the club, and even if he does that, he more likely to come on as a 60th minute substitute rather than play a full match. That is, IF he ever becomes match-fit. I wonder if he realizes that he's only digging a hole for himself for even considering to sue Mancini..
Also, whatever happens he's definitely going to be sold in January or next summer, and maybe a striker bought in his place....
I'd be extremely concerned if Tevez was put back in the first team squad at any point. Ignoring the constant undermiming of the manager, the complete disrespect he's shown to the club, my main concern would come in terms of performances.

This season we have seen some outstanding football, some of the best football i've ever seen at City. Quick passing, quick movement, one touch football, brilliant movement in behind, it's extremely exciting. The problem I have is that I don't think Carlos Tevez would be very effective with the kind of football we have played so far this season. In Kun Aguero we have a player who's turn of foot is quicker, he moves the ball quicker and he's a clinical finisher, basically for me he's the complete opposite of what Tevez is.

Tevez is a great player, no doubt about it, he plays the role up front on his own very well with him being the focal point but he slows things down, he takes much longer on the ball than the likes of Kun and it wouldn't fit into the kind of quick passing and movement of the ball we are seeing at the moment.

Basically I don't want to see him play for MCFC again, not just because he's a twat, because of the effect i think he'd have on the playing side of things
I said last Season that the 'team' would be better without him. I have been proved right (again) dispite those here calling me a rag for saying so.
Now he MUST be got rid of otherwise everything will be jeopordised.
He isnt even good enough to be first choice in the side....................dont bring this up again please. He will be sold, and rightly so.
Tevez is great when the team is built around him, as it pretty much was for the last 2 seasons. I'm not sure that, even when fully fit, he would be the asset to us that he used to be - our style of play has moved on. Would he adapt? Well, he's certainly good enough to do so, but, I can't see it happening.
A fit Tevez, firing on all cylinders is a fantastic asset, but I don't think we'll ever see that in a City shirt again. He may make the odd appearance between now and the end of the season if he gets fit, but that's about it, I reckon.
Not too fussed if he stays or leaves , but if Mancini decides that he should stay or bugger off , I will respect his decision
Berkovic_blue said:
Did you start this thread for attention?

Because I'm struggling to think of any other reason. Mancini said after the Munich game he is finished and he explained how many chances and preferential treatment Tevez has already been given. He's thrown it all back in our faces

The guy is a complete c-unit who has only ever cared about himself. We don't need him, the team is far better without him now and look a properly unified bunch.

Perhaps you've also forgotten all the trouble that slimeball Kia has caused. The sooner he is out of the club the better.

quote="Berkovic_blue"]Did you start this thread for attention?

ok ok you got me, I only started this thread for the attention, not to hear the opinions of fellow blues regarding one of the best strikers on the planet leaving our great club....or not ?.

You worked it out very well, have you ever considered becoming a policeman ??<br /><br />-- Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:17 pm --<br /><br />
BringBackSwales said:
themadinventor said:
I have a feeling I may be in minority of one here but please remember this is an open forum and we are ALL entitled to our opinion.

I think the whole Tevez affair has been blown way out of all proportion, yes he's tried it on and tried to undermine Roberto Mancini, I think it's great that the club are backing the manager to the hilt, they are standing firm with tevez, ive read comments like they are not going to sell him unless it's at the current market value, reading between the lines I think the chairman/owners want him to stay and I do too, it wasn't the crime of the century it was petulance, childishness or at worst arrogance, he has been fined, he has been suspended but now the dust has settled a little, can we not now keep one of the best strikers in the world ??.

Dont get me wrong if Mr Mancini said it's him or me , it's goodbye Mr Tevez but if he said ok last chance get on with it , I for one would be happy with that .

EDITED: spelling police are out lol.

you should lose the words the inventor from your nickname

you should lose the words the inventor from your nickname

I'd be mad to do that , was funny though , cheers.

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