Tevez - Whats the latest?

jimbo101 said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Didsbury Dave said:
You think he's done this without club backing?

What is going on?

Mancini has made reference to going down this route previously, in attempting go out of his way for Tevez.

Around the time of his last transfer request in January, it was Mancini and Khaldoun who talked him down.

Had City sanctioned it, it would be the club contacting Tevez's reps directly to set it up, as they have acted throughout the whole review process.

Not a direct phone call to Tevez on the fucking train from the manager. The only reason it didn't make in the papers yesterday was the timeline of the meet.

Tevez turned up with his mates FFS, not proper representation.

As I say, there was absolutely nothing which couldn't have been said in Mancini's office at Carrington the following day, when the players had left.

Fucking stupid in the extreme.

Not sure I agree with you here.

We all know Mancini has a reputation as being headstrong & extremely stubborn. His post Munich interview showed his frustration with Tevez - stating he had done everything for him 'for 2 years'. I don't imaging Mancini has ever been forced to go to such lengths to placate a player before.

Now Bobbys hand is much stronger - FA cup, CL & Cook gone - and still he calls Tevez to arrange a meeting.

To me, it appears as is him being pragmatic & genuinely attempting to make the best of a bad situation, & Carlos being the petulant one.

To read yours & some other comments on here, if Bobby sticks to his guns he's distant, incalcintrant & obstinate.

If he holds out an olive branch, he's weak & in some way accepting he's in the wrong, thus undermining the whole disciplinary process.

Why is it such a bollock?

You have me confused with others. I have completely backed Mancini's stance over Tevez and his continued hard line with ALL players.

He is wrong in my eyes because he has undermined himself and City with a softening of his stance.

It's a sign of weakness (certainly in relation to who were dealing with) and one which the Tevez camp were quick to act upon.
Didsbury Dave said:
fbloke said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Mate, you know that this place if full of fucking idiots with idiotic opinions. But it also has a good number of sensible people whose opinion I respect.

I don't give a shit what you or anyone else thinks.

DD, I like you because you have opinions.

I don't dismiss you as a pleb, or perhaps as a degenerate muppet, even if you are plainly wrong at times and have an 'agenda' according to some.

I dont pooh pooh you and wave your ideas away dismissively as they dont stand up to any level of rigor.

But then again I am perfect.

***grabs bag of popcorn and grins like the Grinch who stole christmas***

You're not perfect fbloke but I'd put you in the "sensible" camp.

Especially now you've dropped the "tipping point" stuff ;-)

You see you can be relied on to have a reasonable opinion.

You own personal 'Tipping Point' ;-)
fbloke said:
The Future's Blue said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Don't be so naive. Slur Alex made a personal flight to Paris just to talk Cantona out of retirement.

Rooney rang Ferguson direct to smooth the way back to redemption.

Both without the United brass knowing about it.

Ask yourself why the leaking of the meet came from the Tevez camp and not City, if this was just a run-of-the-mill sanctioned get-together?

City would have briefed it first to prevent the type of stories which have now appeared today.

Tevez arrived with pals who were travelling back on the train FFS, who in turn, drove him to the house.

Do you seriously think Joorabachian would have allowed Tevez to make the five minute car journey between their houses, knowing he was walking into a potential trap for his client?

Look at the timeline. It was hastily arranged between the hours of 9.30pm and midnight whilst sat on a train.

Over a coffee and a chat? Complete informality, devoid of any legal etiquette.

Hardly Johnny Cochrane in full flow for City.
Just been stated on SSN that there was one of City's Legal people there.

Walks away, whistling 'zip a di doo daa'.

Sky Sports News, whistling in the wind as per usual.

Funny how the briefings handed out by Tevez camp yesterday chose not to include this important factor.

Like I've stated, wrong setting, wrong time, wrong action.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
fbloke said:
The Future's Blue said:
Just been stated on SSN that there was one of City's Legal people there.

Walks away, whistling 'zip a di doo daa'.

Sky Sports News, whistling in the wind as per usual.

Funny how the briefings handed out by Tevez camp yesterday chose not to include this important factor.

Like I've stated, wrong setting, wrong time, wrong action.
Are these your personal thoughts or what you know to be fact?
SWP's back said:
So there was no legal rep there then TH?

See above. It was as informal as it gets. As briefed and as the broadsheets rightly reported it.

I was stating my disappointment, which still stands, with Mancini's softened stance. based on yesterday and this morning.

Not on what SKY Sports are now reporting, possibly City briefed.
SWP's back said:
Didsbury Dave said:
SWP's back said:
Dave, you're fucking annoying at the minute, even for you.

Your current hard on for "pantomime fans" is both cringeworthy and laughable. It's just fans giving opinions not driven by agenda, unlike yourself who would back the devil if it meant you could get a sly dig in at the current management.

Ps- your constant referral to anyone that may agree with your as super duper "intelligent" or a lone "voice of sanity in a sea of shite" just sums you up. You only care to hear your point and will do all you can to decry opposing (majority) views.

Mate, you know that this place if full of fucking idiots with idiotic opinions. But it also has a good number of sensible people whose opinion I respect.

I don't give a shit what you or anyone else thinks.
Yes the forum does have it fair share of idots but my point still stands.

And if you didn't give a shit then you wouldn't post. What would be the point? It isn't speakers corner you know. Unless your only on here to inform the rest of us....

You'll be fighting a losing battle. Everyone is wrong unless DD says so.
Mikecini said:
fbloke said:
Paul Hayward on Twitter -

It's possible of course that Mancini has been told by the club's lawyers not to prejudge the tribunal outcome, hence "I don't know."

And lets no forget the actual question he replied to was...


I think it is much simpler than this. He honestly doesn't know how the cards will fall.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
jimbo101 said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Mancini has made reference to going down this route previously, in attempting go out of his way for Tevez.

Around the time of his last transfer request in January, it was Mancini and Khaldoun who talked him down.

Had City sanctioned it, it would be the club contacting Tevez's reps directly to set it up, as they have acted throughout the whole review process.

Not a direct phone call to Tevez on the fucking train from the manager. The only reason it didn't make in the papers yesterday was the timeline of the meet.

Tevez turned up with his mates FFS, not proper representation.

As I say, there was absolutely nothing which couldn't have been said in Mancini's office at Carrington the following day, when the players had left.

Fucking stupid in the extreme.

Not sure I agree with you here.

We all know Mancini has a reputation as being headstrong & extremely stubborn. His post Munich interview showed his frustration with Tevez - stating he had done everything for him 'for 2 years'. I don't imaging Mancini has ever been forced to go to such lengths to placate a player before.

Now Bobbys hand is much stronger - FA cup, CL & Cook gone - and still he calls Tevez to arrange a meeting.

To me, it appears as is him being pragmatic & genuinely attempting to make the best of a bad situation, & Carlos being the petulant one.

To read yours & some other comments on here, if Bobby sticks to his guns he's distant, incalcintrant & obstinate.

If he holds out an olive branch, he's weak & in some way accepting he's in the wrong, thus undermining the whole disciplinary process.

Why is it such a bollock?

You have me confused with others. I have completely backed Mancini's stance over Tevez and his continued hard line with ALL players.

He is wrong in my eyes because he has undermined himself and City with a softening of his stance.

It's a sign of weakness (certainly in relation to who were dealing with) and one which the Tevez camp were quick to act upon.

Apologies for mis interpreting your stance.

However, my point remains that I dont see this as a negative in any respect. It is totally separate from the disciplinary proceedings. It was just Bobby trying to sort out training etc. I don't see it as weakness, nor as retreating from his position. IMO it looks like he's being the good guy & Tevez is the stroppy one.

Kia may try to spin it another way but, as you have eluded to previously, he is running out of friends & credibility.

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