
simon23 said:
there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that he is an unsettling influence....just hearsay and opinion! He doesnt get on with the manager i agree but t doesnt mean that he tries to unsettle players

Is there not ? why did a delegation of 3 senior players go to the manager last season to complain about him ?. Let me guess this happens all the time and is a normal occurance ? or maybe they were going to say what a cool guy he is ?.

That demonstrates evidence he is a bad influence in the dressing room to me.
The Future's Blue said:
I can't believe that people don't want Carlos back, after all he's done for us.

I put it down to denial.

Balti said:
simon23 said:
blueinsa said:
Pmsl at the few and it is just a few, that seem hell bent on trying to defend the indefensible that is the twat Tevez and his slime ball agent, Kia.

He clearly parked his fat arse on the bench in front of the watching millions and refused to get off it...

He clearly jumped in front of the nearest tv camera, with a translator and told the watching millions that he didn't play because he didn't feel mentally right...

Stop making shit up to try and convince those of us that saw it with our own eyes that it didn't really happen this way because it did.

Regardless of charges or fines or bans or whatever, the **** will never pull on our shirt again and rightly so and he will be gone along with his agent at the earliest and that is all that matters.

City have handled it all spot on imo.

Im not fully defending him but what people fail to see is that ppart of this issue has been caused by the managers previous and subsequent actions

tevez is at fault for refusing to warm up a second time...how he thought he was going to gain from that i dont know?...he was clearly in the wrong for that

mancini and tevez are at fault for the previous breakdown in the relationship which led to that point.

so what?

as the reaction since has proved if it comes down to a choice between tevez or Mancini then Bobby wins every single time.

What you are forgetting is that tevez has been agitating for a move, and dissing our club, for some time now and many or probably most of us were already fed up to the back teeth with his greedy antics in any case. Didn't want him as captain, and didn't want him representing us at Wemberlee last season. Well before his latest statement of disrespect for our beloved MCFC.

That incident was merely the icing on the cake.

Fuck the greedy little ****.

why was he agitating for a move...ask yourselff that....ask why away from the club that out of any in the world that has the most possibilities infront of them right now....there must have been a reasona nd it aint money as we can pay him more than anyone and probably do. He even moved his family here eventually

he never dissed the club.......he dissed the city......completely different...infact he has repeatedly praised the fans and he owners (and rightly so!)

of corse the manager has to win in this situation and rightly so but the situation should never have arose in the first place and could have been avoided and for that mancini must share some of the blame
The Future's Blue said:
I can't believe that people don't want Carlos back, after all he's done for us.

I put it down to denial.

I think its you that is in denial if you think fans that don't want him to play for us again are wrong, are you a WUM ?
simon23 said:
he never dissed the club.......he dissed the city......completely different...infact he has repeatedly praised the fans and he owners (and rightly so!)
Oh, yeah. You're going to influence people with this argument.
moomba said:
simon23 said:
there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that he is an unsettling influence....just hearsay and opinion! He doesnt get on with the manager i agree but t doesnt mean that he tries to unsettle players

No evidence but there was the suggestion that he refused a request to warm down after the Everton match. And by all accounts he is facing multiple charges at the moment, not just the one.

so basically what you think is that the club are lying to try and maintain his sell on value????

Quite possibly, it's something that happens in football daily.

what about the possibility tevez could do them for deformation of character if they said he refused to play and he didnt!?

Nothing we've done today has helped his chances if he wanted to sue. But let him try, I suspect that given he's already admitted he wasn't in the right frame of mind to play he might find it difficult proving his case.

im not suggestinghe would sue....was a question

what do you think the multiple charges are?....obviously refusing to warm up/respond to the managers request is one...bringing the club into disrepute another???????? has something else happened we dont know about??????<br /><br />-- Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:40 pm --<br /><br />
TCIB said:
simon23 said:
there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that he is an unsettling influence....just hearsay and opinion! He doesnt get on with the manager i agree but t doesnt mean that he tries to unsettle players

Is there not ? why did a delegation of 3 senior players go to the manager last season to complain about him ?. Let me guess this happens all the time and is a normal occurance ? or maybe they were going to say what a cool guy he is ?.

That demonstrates evidence he is a bad influence in the dressing room to me.

is this fact or is it gossip and media opinion/shit stirring?

ive heard it said on hear b4 but how do we know this is true?
Max_Headroom said:
The Future's Blue said:
I can't believe that people don't want Carlos back, after all he's done for us.

I put it down to denial.

I think its you that is in denial if you think fans that don't want him to play for us again are wrong, are you a WUM ?
Well, we seem to be getting so precious lately ;-)

I failed to make the Vlllareal game and left early to boot, god knows what people will say when they find out that I'm an out of towner (a mile away anyway).
Tvevez should never be allowed to play for City again, he has shit all over the club.

I really cannot understand the people who are defending him, dont you have any pride in your club? Are you really just gonna let this little shit disrespect all of us over and over again?

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