
simon23 said:
mackenzie said:
I'd like to know what the other 'lesser' offences are.
Undermining Mancini at every opportunity is my guess.

this is what id like to know as well

i think it will be something like bringing the club into disrepute or the like

I respect your bravery in maintaining a very unpopular stance . Fairplay M8 we are all blues at the end of the day your point should be heard
I still can't quite get what exactly you are hoping for....
simon23 said:
mackenzie said:
I'd like to know what the other 'lesser' offences are.
Undermining Mancini at every opportunity is my guess.

this is what id like to know as well

i think it will be something like bringing the club into disrepute or the like

-- Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:37 pm --

Mancio said:
simon23 said:
i'm city fan at least 1000 times more than you , as our personal poster history easily show.


and when exactly did you start supporting the club....??????????


this is the last response i shall ever give you.......cause now i cannt take you seriously at all which is a shame as you are clearly knowledgeable about football....but after that remark i think you are a little deluded and strange

Time for bed Si. I think you may be a bit overtired:)
simon23 said:
mackenzie said:
I'd like to know what the other 'lesser' offences are.
Undermining Mancini at every opportunity is my guess.

this is what id like to know as well

i think it will be something like bringing the club into disrepute or the like

-- Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:37 pm --

Mancio said:
simon23 said:
where have i criticised RM in any of that? i said i wasnt fully confident in him but again i never ever asked for him to be sacked..

funny coming from a none city fan tho

i'm city fan at least 1000 times more than you , as our personal poster history easily show.


and when exactly did you start supporting the club....??????????


this is the last response i shall ever give you.......cause now i cannt take you seriously at all which is a shame as you are clearly knowledgeable about football....but after that remark i think you are a little deluded and strange

simon23 said:
waspish said:
simon23 said:
you clearly are reading everything i write and just concentrating on the bits you disagree with

i do back the manager and even though i would want tevez to play for city (as he is an exceptional player and with him we have a better chance of getting to the very top) i accept that his days are and have to be numbered...it is virtually impossible to find a way back from this point.

it changes nothing now..BUT RM needs to learn for the future...this wont be the last time he comes up against this sort of issue and having a fully fit world class player in your team and reading from the same page as you is going to benefit the team....losing him is not (unless you think replacing players time and time again is good fr the club?)....hopefully the issues wont arise again as RM will elarn to deal with it better in the first instance....im not saying players should be pandered to but some players do need to be treated a little bit differently again

i wonder how city fans would react if one of our top players did what cnatona did by attacking a fan......???? he brought shame on the whole club but ferguson stuck by him...would our fans and manager do the same?...just a question

What does RM need to learn?

to prevent these situations from happening again...by managing them better or getting his staff to manage them better.....sort the porblems out whiel they are small and prevent them from becoming bigger...there were clear conflicts between the two right from the word go....it should have been sorted then and there but it wasnt

No, they weren't, were they?
They were never sorted with Ade, or Bellamy or Ireland, either, to our loss.

I suspect that Tevez and Mancini have never hit it off and only our dependency on his goals got him in the team last year when we had no effective alternative. Now it appears that the only person on the bench who heard Tevez refuse to play was Roberto himself! (from what we hear so far)

One of the required skills for a top manager is the ability to get the best of players of all types, including those with big egos. So far, Roberto has not shown much in this regard, not when challenged.

I have never been Carlos' biggest fan, because football is a team game and he was never a team player, but the lynch-mob attitude on here before any facts emerged has been sad to see. Mancini has some answering to do here.
dom said:
simon23 said:
mackenzie said:
I'd like to know what the other 'lesser' offences are.
Undermining Mancini at every opportunity is my guess.

this is what id like to know as well

i think it will be something like bringing the club into disrepute or the like

I respect your bravery in maintaining a very unpopular stance . Fairplay M8 we are all blues at the end of the day your point should be heard
I still can't quite get what exactly you are hoping for....

im not hoping for anything...well certainly not to do with tevez anyway
TCIB said:
simon23 said:
mackenzie said:
I'd like to know what the other 'lesser' offences are.
Undermining Mancini at every opportunity is my guess.

this is what id like to know as well

i think it will be something like bringing the club into disrepute or the like

-- Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:37 pm --

Mancio said:
i'm city fan at least 1000 times more than you , as our personal poster history easily show.


and when exactly did you start supporting the club....??????????


this is the last response i shall ever give you.......cause now i cannt take you seriously at all which is a shame as you are clearly knowledgeable about football....but after that remark i think you are a little deluded and strange


Now that made me laugh !
grandsolo said:
simon23 said:
the relationship between tevez and mancini has never been good....te relationship between tevez and other players is fine....they all at least hold him in high regard....

Was told during the US tour this summer by someone who works with City in the Community charity that the players DO NOT care for Tevez. Publicly, they will say the right thing & show unity, but they don't like him.

And let's clear up the bullshit semantics....he refused to play/no he didn't he only refused to warm up.
I don't give a shit if he refused to piss when Mancini told him to the fact is..... ready for it??????

HE REFUSED A DIRECT ORDER FROM HIS MANAGER DURING A CRUCIAL EUROPEAN MATCH. An order is an order. He refused. He is in breach as far as I'm concerned.
The players certainly do not care for him on the whole especially a very good central defender.
Respect Simon. You are one with maybe Tevez City that doesnt back the club 100%.
I know what your argument was, i.e its not all one way traffic.

But let me tell you, we are one. We are creating a siege mentality.
If you don't like how Man City are doing things at this present moment in time, fuck off.

Its that simple. Manchester City are evolving into something beautiful. The road will be bumpy at times, but we are growing into something beautiful. We will have players in years to come that would die to put on that blue shirt. At the moment we have to weed out the deadwood. And we will get them. Tevez was the first, wow betide anyother player to rock the boat, they will be tarnished like tevez has done to his own reputation.

Get on board Simon23 or walk the plank.
phil31 said:
Respect Simon. You are one with maybe Tevez City that doesnt back the club 100%.
I know what your argument was, i.e its not all one way traffic.

But let me tell you, we are one. We are creating a siege mentality.
If you don't like how Man City are doing things at this present moment in time, fuck off.

Its that simple. Manchester City are evolving into something beautiful. The road will be bumpy at times, but we are growing into something beautiful. We will have players in years to come that would die to put on that blue shirt. At the moment we have to weed out the deadwood. And we will get them. Tevez was the first, wow betide anyother player to rock the boat, they will be tarnished like tevez has done to his own reputation.

Get on board Simon23 or walk the plank.

The 2 highlighted bits of your quote don't go together, and the second is against the code of conduct, there is no need for it, so please don't do it again.
phil31 said:
Respect Simon. You are one with maybe Tevez City that doesnt back the club 100%.
I know what your argument was, i.e its not all one way traffic.

But let me tell you, we are one. We are creating a siege mentality.
If you don't like how Man City are doing things at this present moment in time, fuck off.

Its that simple. Manchester City are evolving into something beautiful. The road will be bumpy at times, but we are growing into something beautiful. We will have players in years to come that would die to put on that blue shirt. At the moment we have to weed out the deadwood. And we will get them. Tevez was the first, wow betide anyother player to rock the boat, they will be tarnished like tevez has done to his own reputation.

Get on board Simon23 or walk the plank.

been on board for 35 years...made the god damn plank!!!!

ive been the one saying we need a siege mentality for years

try reading the whole tread and you will see that i have said countless times that i support the club and managers position on the tevez affair

cyber warriors jumping in with two feet and not checking first to assess the sitaution.

clear lack of maturity and class telling people to f**k off...well done im sure your parents are very proud!

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