Thank You Micah

thenabster said:
Skashion said:
dr mcfc is mine said:
Can see it being a rough ride for him out there to be honest... You no what them Italians are like with there racism milarky
They're not as bad if you don't claim to be Italian. Balotelli was targeted more than anyone else because he had the audacity to claim he was a black Italian.

Wait. What does this mean? He is a black Italian. Plus it isn't like Balotelli was the only player getting insults over there, Eto'o had them , Boateng and Cisse even left Italy abruptly because of them.
It means exactly what it says, Micah won't suffer racism on the level Balotelli did because Micah is English. The racists in Italy don't think you can be black and an Italian. That's why Balotelli was racially abused worse than anyone else and had to endure chants like “there are no black Italians”. I first cottoned onto it when I watched the BBC Hooligans programme and the leader of Lazio's Irriducibili, Fabrizio, said quite openly, "it disturbs me to think that in future the Italian race will become mixed like it is in England."
Skashion said:
thenabster said:
Skashion said:
They're not as bad if you don't claim to be Italian. Balotelli was targeted more than anyone else because he had the audacity to claim he was a black Italian.

Wait. What does this mean? He is a black Italian. Plus it isn't like Balotelli was the only player getting insults over there, Eto'o had them , Boateng and Cisse even left Italy abruptly because of them.
It means exactly what it says, Micah won't suffer racism on the level Balotelli did because Micah is English. The racists in Italy don't think you can be black and an Italian. That's why Balotelli was racially abused worse than anyone else and had to endure chants like “there are no black Italians”. I first cottoned onto it when I watched the BBC Hooligans programme and the leader of Lazio's Irriducibili, Fabrizio, said quite openly, "it disturbs me to think that in future the Italian race will become mixed like it is in England."
The funny thing is that over the centuries, Italy has had immigration from Greeks and invasion from Goths (especially in the top half of Italy) and Moors (especially in the south and Sicily). They're probably deluded to think their haplogroup is a pure one from the peninsula they live on when it really isn't.

True though about him being subject to that abuse. Nt only from opposition fans but fans of the two clubs he played for and the media. The media depicted him as King Kong on Big Ben before a match against England. And people think our media was what drove him out if here; he had it easy here, that's probably why he found it so easy to come back to England.
dickie davies said:
Didsbury Dave said:
IanBishopsHaircut said:
I'm firmly in this camp..nice lad..but bull in a china shop..never did have a footballing brain and now has the physique of a sted head more than a footballer

Never bought into this 'potential' he had

Remember..Roque Santa Cruz had 'one good season' with Blackburn too

Bitterness and nastiness is not really the point of the thread, though, is it?

Some of us watched him grow from a boy to a man, and saw the potential he had bear fruit as he broke through. And some of us have seen the procession of injuries which have hampered his career. And maybe some of us liked the lad, wanted him to do well and respect the fact that he tried and tried and it never came off.

He didn't try hard enough and that was his problem. As I said, he ambled around, not closing down his man thinking that just because of who he was, no one would get past him
My lasting memory of Richards is when he fell over as that Norwich player made a real fool of him and went onto score, and it fucking shouldn't be

Remember when we thought this was going to be the bones of our "class of 92'esq" squad that would carry us onwards on upwards for years


Only Sturridge is fulfilling his potential

Sorry, can you point me to the bit of the thread title which says "discuss Micah's ability"?

It's been done to death, mate. Some of us wish him well, that's all. Is there really any need to start bitching about him on the day he leaves? He's off. He's not made it here. That's a given.

But he is one of our own and will be warmly received should he come back for another club.
I loved Micah. He had some excellent years both individually playing well and as part of the team in winning things.

In 2012 I reckon there were only one or two better right backs around. He was quality. He made the top ten most assists in the Prem that season we won the league.

I wish him all the best.

Do Oldham get any of the money?
Didsbury Dave said:
dickie davies said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Bitterness and nastiness is not really the point of the thread, though, is it?

Some of us watched him grow from a boy to a man, and saw the potential he had bear fruit as he broke through. And some of us have seen the procession of injuries which have hampered his career. And maybe some of us liked the lad, wanted him to do well and respect the fact that he tried and tried and it never came off.

He didn't try hard enough and that was his problem. As I said, he ambled around, not closing down his man thinking that just because of who he was, no one would get past him
My lasting memory of Richards is when he fell over as that Norwich player made a real fool of him and went onto score, and it fucking shouldn't be

Remember when we thought this was going to be the bones of our "class of 92'esq" squad that would carry us onwards on upwards for years


Only Sturridge is fulfilling his potential

Sorry, can you point me to the bit of the thread title which says "discuss Micah's ability"?

It's been done to death, mate. Some of us wish him well, that's all. Is there really any need to start bitching about him on the day he leaves? He's off. He's not made it here. That's a given.

But he is one of our own and will be warmly received should he come back for another club.
Correct, one of our own, lets not woman about the lad

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