Thatcher dead

karen7 said:
They are silencing big ben for her funeral.Not sure even the queen would get that

Its done for all state or ceremonial funerals so that only the muffled bell can be heard!
TheMightyQuinn said:
Even as a Thatcher sceptic, I found this tribute to be both moving and quite emotional.

Genius, just utter genius. This deserves it's own thread. The comments down the right hand side are comedy gold as well. Good find TMQ.
karen7 said:
BluePurgatory said:
karen7 said:
They are silencing big ben for her funeral.Not sure even the queen would get that

Its done for all state or ceremonial funerals so that only the muffled bell can be heard!

Thanks,i didnt know that

If you go on YouTube and Google Queens Mothers funeral you will get an idea. The bell is sounded until the body reaches the cathedral.

A single half-muffled bell will toll as the cortege arrives. The half-muffled sound is used for a mournful effect: traditionally, bells are only fully muffled on the death of the sovereign, incumbent vicar or bishop. The St Paul’s Cathedral Guild of Ringers will ring using a technique known as ‘Stedman Cinques’ for 30 minutes.
blueonblue said:
Well done little stan...............For exposing the core myth that the lefties always fall back on to a simple fact.

The attitude of look after no 1 and f*ck everyone else came not from the Tory party but the unions, they held the country to ransom time after time with no thought to the damage done to other workers jobs, the sick or the vulnerable,
They even picketed the cemetery gates to stop people burying their dead.

The previous labour government had pleaded in vain for the unions to show the solidarity they so often spout about, Calahan had reached a pay policy agreement with the T.U.C. but the big unions then just ignored it and finally brought the government down.

Without being there you simply can not understand the shear madness of it all, union A would get a pay rise......then union B wanted one to maintain "The differential" between trades......then other unions jumped in with the argument that their "Differential" had been eroded an so they had their hand out........then back to union A an start again.

Nor can people today grasp what tactics were employed by the unions under the secondary picket, if a union called a strike they would not only picket the company, but its suppliers and customers, workers with the slightest connection to even those companies went to work of a morning not knowing if they were going to be turned away by a picket line (An not get paid), should you take the attitude that they were stretching the connection to the ridiculous and went in to work there was every chance of a car full of blokes coming through your front door to "Teach scabs a lesson".

These are cold hard facts from before Mrs T ever set foot in number 10, the big unions used their clout to get as much as possible without any care or consideration of the effects on other fellow workers or society.

How can a union with 1000's of members be liked to an individual looking after No.1? They were looking after their members.

How they did that, and the effects on the economy are a point for debate depending if you were a beneficiary of union actions or not.

A true leader would have led all stakeholders towards one goal. In this case of a prime minster it should for the benefit of the people of the country.

She did not do this by any measure you would like to use, she was divisive and even the most hard line supporters acknowledge that.

She did, however, lead the country to a position that was better for some and one of the ways she did this was with the myth that we can all look our for ourselves only.

Again I will use the example of successful businesses. They want team workers and departments working towards a company vision. Poor performing companies allow departments to compete with each other and they lose the message of what the company is trying to achieve.

She built of the fractures within the country "departments" and used it against a section of the population that was of little use to her or her supporters.

Nothing to do with "Lefties" or "Right wing nut jobs", just good business sense.
Daz_Blue said:
April 2013 – Margaret Thatcher dies.
May 2013 – Hell privatised.

June 2013 - 742 furnace stokers laid off. furnace stoking contract awarded to company comprising 550 souls in purgatory

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