The are we allowed the "it's quiet" thread yet? thread.

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We haven't lost money on Dzeko by a long shot, we paid £25mill in Jan 2011 and will sell him for circa £13mill (that's last years loan fee plus the transfer fee) this Summer 2016. Allowing for amortisation plus the fact that he's now 30 I'd even say we made a profit. Someone like PB would have more idea on the way amortisatuon works but I'm fairly certain that I'm right in this case.
All of that is not even counting what he's helped us to achieve.

Jovetic was a failed experiment that comes under the heading of 'shit happens'.

Are we supposed to not mention figures because we don't have the books in front of us?

Your last sentence seems to contradict itself btw.

You don't make or lose money because of amortisation, it is an accounting exercise designed to spread the cost of capital assets across different periods.
Equally it is daft to say that the difference in cost and selling price is the only thing that is important in determining whether or not a player has been a good buy.
Dzeko I would argue has he was an important goal scoring part of the team during some very successful years that appear to have helped the clubs overall financial position. Jovetic has probably been a poor buy. That happens in football.
You don't make or lose money because of amortisation, it is an accounting exercise designed to spread the cost of capital assets across different periods.
Equally it is daft to say that the difference in cost and selling price is the only thing that is important in determining whether or not a player has been a good buy.
Dzeko I would argue has he was an important goal scoring part of the team during some very successful years that appear to have helped the clubs overall financial position. Jovetic has probably been a poor buy. That happens in football.
His 2-2 equalizer on that day cannot be measured in terms of money
His 2-2 equalizer on that day cannot be measured in terms of money

The whole thing of measuring things in terms of money, only started when we came into it.

Sky used to wank themselves into a coma showing us how many 'world class' players Utd had on their bench & promote it as a thing of wonder. We get money & it becomes 'obscene' & suddenly it's all about balancing the books.

We have done really well with signings over the years since the takeover imo. What we have lacked is an 'a' list manager.
Gundogan, Bonucci and Kroos would walk into most teams in Europe whilst Stones and Sane would improve most if not every side in the premier league. We would be in a great position if all these deals came off, I don't get quite what some people are expecting!

Think a lot are expecting Marquee signings so they can get oneupmanship on their rag mates or just playground bragging.
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