The beginning of a change for the worst at City

i already do without certain items so i can afford to watch the boys,and i will do that till it is totally beyond my means, i know people are pissed off about not getting a tickets for twatsville and chelsea but really did not give us enough anyway,myself personally i think this corperate distribution is being blown out of proportion on here? the media will be loving reading this on here, more ammo for the anti man city scribes, divide and conquer?
WNRH said:
alera you sound like a guy who won't be put off by any price increase and well done to you but to thousands of others it is a major problem.

No one expects to go to games for free or for very cheap, we just expect to be able to go in an affordable way. I think my season ticket at the moment is excellent value for money, it works out at around £25 per game which for the team we are watching, the stadium we are in is very reasonable. If that season ticket is to increase then along with top priced champions league games and being Catergory A now at away games, watching top flight football will become a problem.

If City raise the ticket prices this season then they will be shocked at the amount of renewels IMO

Lets just remind ourselves HRH sent to us fans last last year.

Dear Fellow City Fans,

Two years ago I was fortunate enough to become part of the Manchester City story and I remain grateful for the warmth of the welcome that you have given me.

The ownership of a Club like Manchester City, with such a rich heritage and diverse community of stakeholders, carries a unique set of obligations to the fans, staff and broader Manchester community. This is something I do not take lightly.

Therefore the challenge I set my Board and Executive Leadership Team is to develop City so that it is one of the most successful clubs both on and off the pitch, but to do so without losing any of the characteristics that make it so special.

It has been an exciting and busy two years and that is why we are publishing this annual report. It is designed for you the fans, providing a detailed perspective on the progress of your club as a business, as a member of the community and of course as a great sporting institution.

Two years ago I promised that we would try and listen to your views and keep you informed of progress. I hope after reading the report that you feel a sense of pride in just how far we have come.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the fans, staff and partners of the Club for their ongoing commitment and dedication, and wish the management and players a successful season for 2010-11.

Mansour bin Zayed

Tbh mate, I think you've taken that quote completely out of context, and you've misinterpreted it, but nonetheless I agree with your preceding point.

City have to be very careful with regards to ticketing prices, because the majority of us are hard pushed as it is.

Like I said, we'll learn a lot more about their plans once the seasoncard renewals are sent out.
I very rarely post as tend to just watch the topics I find of interest but am perplexed by the 'eviction' of the entire east and CB level 2 ticket holders in place of 'corporates'.

I sit in east level 2 and have done since moving, love the seats, views great and wouldn't swap it for anything. When there was mention of the changes to the areas I thought it was going to go corporate also but on listening to what the club have said subsequently this isn't the case.

Yes, it is going to be an 'upgraded' or 'premium' experience but not a sterile sit on your hands and applaud at the end of the game 'opera-like' area. I'm pretty confident that I've also seen that price rises will be staged over the next two years and won't be more than £750 in the CB by the directors box in 2 years time and that'll be roughly where the prices stay.

I appreciate I'm going to be called naive for buying this from the club, but I did feel the need to respond to the 10,000 corporates comments. I think quite a few people are also looking past the £250 season tickets for this year which frankly is almost robbery for 19 games at a champions league challenging side.

I also think there's a lot of picking and choosing of games going on at present which impacts on attendances too, I think the timing of the Notts game, which many won't have budgeted for with Aris etc was unfortunate, although our cup attendances against 'unglamorous' opposition have frankly been crap for ages (a debate for elsewhere I think).

That's my input on the matter for what it's worth and I feel for people being priced out of season tickets as I'm bad enough on saturday afternoons when I can't make an away or we're not playing, god knows how I'd cope not going the home games...
*singingtheblues* said:
WNRH said:
alera you sound like a guy who won't be put off by any price increase and well done to you but to thousands of others it is a major problem.

No one expects to go to games for free or for very cheap, we just expect to be able to go in an affordable way. I think my season ticket at the moment is excellent value for money, it works out at around £25 per game which for the team we are watching, the stadium we are in is very reasonable. If that season ticket is to increase then along with top priced champions league games and being Catergory A now at away games, watching top flight football will become a problem.

If City raise the ticket prices this season then they will be shocked at the amount of renewels IMO

Lets just remind ourselves HRH sent to us fans last last year.

Tbh mate, I think you've taken that quote completely out of context, and you've misinterpreted it, but nonetheless I agree with your preceding point.

City have to be very careful with regards to ticketing prices, because the majority of us are hard pushed as it is.

Like I said, we'll learn a lot more about their plans once the seasoncard renewals are sent out.

I don't think i have IMO. It says "The ownership of a Club like Manchester City, carries a unique set of obligations to the fans" so surely those oligations should be no matter how succesful we are, those who have followed the club through thick and thick and the fans who keep this club going every year that allowed them the oppourtunity to buy us should be able to watch a newer improved City for an affordable price.

I don't think replacing those fans who have stuck with the club through thick and thick with rich out of towners or city type people who can afford any price to watch us is keeping a unique set of obligations to the fans which in his words is not taken lightly.
bainy said:
*singingtheblues* said:
I got as far as "fuck off". Right back at you, tosser.

Fair enough and apologies and all that... but, city are getting slagged off left right and centre. Every media outlet see's citys glass as half empty. Your opening post on a big city forum had that same negative view IMO. All beit your points may be valid.

There are 2 issues that need to be separated for me 1; The performances and league / cup progress
2; Treatment of football fans.
I would prefer they were kept separate and and off topic, allowing the fabulous improvement in MCFC football to take centre stage.

I agree. They're separate issues, so why you decided to label me one of negative drones I'll never know.

Being a fan of my club shouldn't exclude me from criticising them, especially when in this case it comes to their treatment of us. The fans.

If we're passive, they can do as they please, and shit all over us in the process. Fuck knows what they might try to introduce if they gathered that we'd just roll over and accept whatever they proposed.

People need to be less selfish and stop looking after number one. We need to look at ourselves as a collective, we're not individuals, we're a collective.

That's the reason the fans in Germany have rights, and their clubs know where the line is drawn.

And it's the same reason clubs in this country couldn't give a flying fuck about their fans.

Get your thinking cap on.<br /><br />-- Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:32 am --<br /><br />
WNRH said:
*singingtheblues* said:
Tbh mate, I think you've taken that quote completely out of context, and you've misinterpreted it, but nonetheless I agree with your preceding point.

City have to be very careful with regards to ticketing prices, because the majority of us are hard pushed as it is.

Like I said, we'll learn a lot more about their plans once the seasoncard renewals are sent out.

I don't think i have IMO. It says "The ownership of a Club like Manchester City, carries a unique set of obligations to the fans" so surely those oligations should be no matter how succesful we are, those who have followed the club through thick and thick and the fans who keep this club going every year that allowed them the oppourtunity to buy us should be able to watch a newer improved City for an affordable price.

I don't think replacing those fans who have stuck with the club through thick and thick with rich out of towners or city type people who can afford any price to watch us is keeping a unique set of obligations to the fans which in his words is not taken lightly.

I agree with you entirely mate, I just don't think the quote implied that. I hope I'm wrong though.
*singingtheblues* said:
Hospitality get a record number of tickets for the derby a few weeks ago, and the tickets sell out at a record points criteria for a derby. Coincidence?

Marseilles fans are seen in the away end (actually wearing the replica kit), group after group of the dreaded 'football tourists' (complete with cameras and half and half City/Scum scarves), and even rags themselves.

Today, Chelsea sells out at 5750 points. Despite this, the club are still selling hospitality packages with tickets in the away end, funny that.

The club are setting a precedent, one which will be considered the norm in the coming years. Quite simply, the club are beginning to put the 'suits' before the fans, even in away fixtures. The club are making a conscious effort to change the demographic of fans at CoMS, at the expense of the rest of us. The "Old Trafford model" if you like.

Don't believe me?

Look at how our prices for individual games have soared in the past two years, to the point where in some games you'll be expected to pay £48 for the cheapest seats in the ground.

Everything continues to get more expensive, from food and drink to alcohol. All the while the club continue to tell us that we matter and we'll be consulted about any planned changes.

Last year the club introduced a new Family Stand, doubling the size of the existing one, which, has widely been regarded as a failure - due in no small part to never being full regardless of the fixture. The demand wasn't there, but the club made the plans, and then tried to convince us all that we were consulted by reminding us of a "survey" that was sent out via email. The sole purpose of the supposed "survey" was to provide the club with that very excuse. The plans were already made, yet we were told that the plans were as a direct result of a survey very few people completed.

If you've ever completed one of these surveys you'll be familiar with the words "match day experience", and "supporter satisfaction". I give you - the Old Trafford demographic.

The club are making conscious changes to make this a reality, all while trying to convince us otherwise.

Next season, the club will evict everyone from the East and West level 2 who aren't willing to see the price of their seasoncards increase by a margin of around 50% for a "premium experience". In other words, nothing more than padded seats and the introduction of an enforced passive audience. A "corporate experience" for those who are willing to be shafted for it.

And some people wonder why there has been a crackdown on "bad language" in these areas of the ground this season?

They're preparing for the change next season; a passive, middle-class audience with money to spend and little qualms about with parting with it.

So where does that leave us?

Ticket prices increasing, corporates being given priority access to away games, you name it. All I'll say is, the seasoncard renewal process could prove to be very interesting.

Our current fans are not of a suitable standard. The chairman aims to take City to the top. We've already seen modest investment in players next it's the fans. We were well out sung last night. This will change and we'll all be programmed to sing louder. Stands will be replaced with boxes and we'll all learn to drink champagne. Your support over the years has been appreciated blah, blah, blah
WNRH said:
*singingtheblues* said:
Tbh mate, I think you've taken that quote completely out of context, and you've misinterpreted it, but nonetheless I agree with your preceding point.

City have to be very careful with regards to ticketing prices, because the majority of us are hard pushed as it is.

Like I said, we'll learn a lot more about their plans once the seasoncard renewals are sent out.

I don't think i have IMO. It says "The ownership of a Club like Manchester City, carries a unique set of obligations to the fans" so surely those oligations should be no matter how succesful we are, those who have followed the club through thick and thick and the fans who keep this club going every year that allowed them the oppourtunity to buy us should be able to watch a newer improved City for an affordable price.

I don't think replacing those fans who have stuck with the club through thick and thick with rich out of towners or city type people who can afford any price to watch us is keeping a unique set of obligations to the fans which in his words is not taken lightly.

Jeeeeze give us a break! There will be protests at the next home match at this rate! Fucking hell, would you go to a top restaurant and expect to pay £3.99 for a nice fillet steak and a bottle of barolo? What about paying £80 for a big mac meal? If we want success (i do, i really do) we have to pay for it. Will we entice the world's top players, without Silva, Tevez, Yaya or Dzeko? No we will not. The shiekh wants a return on his investment, he's not from beswick, moss side or longsight. He is a businessman, FFS, quoting him is petulant to say the least!

We are building a GLOBAL brand, so yes, people from far and wide, will soon be desperate to come to COMS, as long as it continues to benefit the club i love with all my heart, then i'll gladly pay the extra dosh!
glen quagmire said:
WNRH said:
I don't think i have IMO. It says "The ownership of a Club like Manchester City, carries a unique set of obligations to the fans" so surely those oligations should be no matter how succesful we are, those who have followed the club through thick and thick and the fans who keep this club going every year that allowed them the oppourtunity to buy us should be able to watch a newer improved City for an affordable price.

I don't think replacing those fans who have stuck with the club through thick and thick with rich out of towners or city type people who can afford any price to watch us is keeping a unique set of obligations to the fans which in his words is not taken lightly.

Jeeeeze give us a break! There will be protests at the next home match at this rate! Fucking hell, would you go to a top restaurant and expect to pay £3.99 for a nice fillet steak and a bottle of barolo? What about paying £80 for a big mac meal? If we want success (i do, i really do) we have to pay for it. Will we entice the world's top players, without Silva, Tevez, Yaya or Dzeko? No we will not. The shiekh wants a return on his investment, he's not from beswick, moss side or longsight. He is a businessman, FFS, quoting him is petulant to say the least!

We are building a GLOBAL brand, so yes, people from far and wide, will soon be desperate to come to COMS, as long as it continues to benefit the club i love with all my heart, then i'll gladly pay the extra dosh!

This is the kind of attitude why english fans are paying more to watch their teams than anyone else on the european continent.

Just because we are a top team doesn't mean we should pay top prices. Nor does having an insanely rich owner mean we should pay cheap prices. It is about being affordable to the local community.

What if tickets were to become £50 per game like they are at Old Trafford and Arsenal? Would you continue to go then bearing in mind that is before £50 champions league games, runs in the FA and League cup and being Catergory A for away games just because we have talented players playing for us now?

I don't want us to go back to being shit just so i an afford it just like i don't want to watch the games in the pub or on a terrible internet stream because i cannot afford going to the games.

I want to go to games paying an affordable price for the 90 mins that is on offer, is that too much to ask?

oh and btw, if the sheik is planning on getting a return on his investment through matchday ticket sales then he isn't the smart busisness we all love.
I want to go to games paying an affordable price for the 90 mins that is on offer, is that too much to ask?

So do we all, but is it also my fault, that i have done well in life and will pay for my ST no matter what the price? How can the owner get his money back by charging people, £20-£30 quid a game? I know, why don't we ask the players to take a pay cut, to subsidise match tickets, for those who can't pay for theirs next season? Or failing that, what about targeting brett ormerod and fortune from west brom as a strike force next season? That should bring ticket prices into line surely?
glen quagmire said:
WNRH said:
I don't think i have IMO. It says "The ownership of a Club like Manchester City, carries a unique set of obligations to the fans" so surely those oligations should be no matter how succesful we are, those who have followed the club through thick and thick and the fans who keep this club going every year that allowed them the oppourtunity to buy us should be able to watch a newer improved City for an affordable price.

I don't think replacing those fans who have stuck with the club through thick and thick with rich out of towners or city type people who can afford any price to watch us is keeping a unique set of obligations to the fans which in his words is not taken lightly.

Jeeeeze give us a break! There will be protests at the next home match at this rate! Fucking hell, would you go to a top restaurant and expect to pay £3.99 for a nice fillet steak and a bottle of barolo? What about paying £80 for a big mac meal? If we want success (i do, i really do) we have to pay for it. Will we entice the world's top players, without Silva, Tevez, Yaya or Dzeko? No we will not. The shiekh wants a return on his investment, he's not from beswick, moss side or longsight. He is a businessman, FFS, quoting him is petulant to say the least!

We are building a GLOBAL brand, so yes, people from far and wide, will soon be desperate to come to COMS, as long as it continues to benefit the club i love with all my heart, then i'll gladly pay the extra dosh!

Sheikh Mansour will never, and I repeat, never make a return from City. And I'm sure that isn't lost on him.

Also, I think when you get the whole argument of FFP and "value for money" nonsense, it's worth remembering that just by reducing the wage bill by the smallest of percentages the club would save more money per annum than they'd ever generate from an increase in ticket prices. The biggest flaw to that argument.

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