The Boxing thread

Told everyone that danny would beat the robot and he fucking levelled him . Joshua is the biggest hype job I’ve seen for years and j can’t believe how people including quite a few in here got hoodwinked by the hype in mean how could the robot even live with usyk and also to actually walk in second even though he’s the challenger is a disgrace to the sport .
I've always felt AJ is a bit of a menace. He seems to have to try hard to be decent and sensible, but deep down he's a bit of an incoherent wanker. Full of sound-bites and bullshit.
There’s nothing authentic about him
Shit boxer and no personality
Nice guy when winning, arrogant dosser at other times
At least fury is a character
Top top fighters don’t lose in the manner that AJ has. One flukey loss like Tyson and Lennox suffered is possible in heavyweight boxing but not these defeats. He will do well to come back from this. He doesn’t learn his lessons
Yep, considering how many fights he’s had and his age, he’s lost too many fights for my liking. I thought when he won his first world title, he looked the dog’s bollocks and would go on to dominate the division but he’s regressed massively since then. Frank Bruno had a far better career IMO. He lost 5 fights in his career - the same as AJ so far - but those defeats were spread over 12 years instead of 5. 3 of those defeats were to Tyson (twice) and Lennox Lewis so no disgrace in that (granted, his second loss to Tyson was hopelessly one sided but he shouldn’t have even been fighting then on health grounds). His other losses were to Tim Witherspoon in a world title fight and James “Bonecrusher” Smith (his first defeat) who would go on to win a world title off Witherspoon a couple of years later so for me he didn’t lose to any bad fighters in his career. The night Frank finally won a world title against Oliver McCall was one of the best occasions in British boxing history and long overdue for him. I was in the old Bierkeller in town but the bouncers were decent enough to give us a pass out to watch the fight in The Brunswick. The place erupted when Bruno got the decision. I’d also add that back in those days re-matches weren’t as much of a thing and if you lost a world title fight then you didn’t tend to get another shot until you’d worked your way back up the rankings by winning several fights on the bounce.

AJ still has a huge following so I’m sure he won’t be jacking it any time soon as his fights make lots of money but if he carries on like this, he’s in danger of finishing his career with double digit losses.
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