The British Monarchy

How could you be convinced ? What she said was racist and she may not be a raving racist but we wouldn't know.

How is it racist?

Persistent perhaps, but how can it be conceived as racist?

She was asking where her family originated, a question that many people encounter throughout life when it's obvious that they are 'different'.

So in future when I'm asked where I am from, should I now view it as a racist comment............or does that only apply if I was black?
How is it racist?

Persistent perhaps, but how can it be conceived as racist?

She was asking where her family originated, a question that many people encounter throughout life when it's obvious that they are 'different'.

So in future when I'm asked where I am from, should I now view it as a racist comment............or does that only apply if I was black?
No , but once you’ve answered should they keep asking where you are really from ? She didn’t ask where did her family originate.
Thing is if you are white they won’t keep asking they will just accept your answer even though your family may have moved to this country many generations after a person of colour’s family settled in this country. That person get questioned differently and in this case more persistently purely because of their skin colour.
It was racist and also frankly rude and plain offensive. Front page material for three days though? Really?.

Editors at Newspapers, and their online sites, know that it can be a very divisive issue, racism as one topic and royals and scandals as another.

So racism at the royals is a goldmine to them. They can eek out another couple of days or so until something else which is divisive comes along.
She's a professional lady in waiting, who's job as you said is to do this kind of thing full time. It's completely implausible that she was somehow just being socially clumsy and impolite when she's had a lifetime literally practicing these skills.

She obvious felt she had the right to demand this woman's personal history and interrogated her until she got the answer she wanted (yes, interrogate, because repeating a question until you get the answer you want is not conversation).

Maybe that was just old fashioned snobbery, maybe it was racism, but either way she seems ill suited from the job - which she resigned from.
Why wouldn't the woman answer a perfectly normal and common question when asked?

If she had responded like many normal people do, then the conversation would probably have continued in a polite fashion and not sounded like an 'interrogation'.
Why didn't she do that?

If somebody asks me a similar question, as with many posting on here, it's perfectly normal, and polite, to respond. I have nothing to hide.
How is it racist?

Persistent perhaps, but how can it be conceived as racist?

She was asking where her family originated, a question that many people encounter throughout life when it's obvious that they are 'different'.

So in future when I'm asked where I am from, should I now view it as a racist comment............or does that only apply if I was black?

If you can't see that what the lady did was racist then I don't think you'll ever see racism.
Why wouldn't the woman answer a perfectly normal and common question when asked?

If she had responded like many normal people do, then the conversation would probably have continued in a polite fashion and not sounded like an 'interrogation'.
Why didn't she do that?

If somebody asks me a similar question, as with many posting on here, it's perfectly normal, and polite, to respond. I have nothing to hide.

She did respond but her answer wasn't accepted.
Instead of joining a thread 10 pages back (or wherever you’ve landed) and replying to every comment as you get to it, if you just keep reading you’ll see this whole discussion you’re trying to start has already happened and the answers you want have already been given.
Nobody has bitten,…. ahem! I mean replied to my question yet.

Can someone explain for a friend what being British is?
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