The British Monarchy

The bigger question for me is why the Lady in Waiting did not retire 23 years ago when she reached the then pensionable age. Did she continue in her work because she had found like-minded people who shared a similar world view or was she was just a victim of the cult of deference shown towards the Royal Family. Was she assigned to "look" after the Duchess if Sussex because of the shared world view she had with her employers? Which begs the question does the claim that the casual and overt racism shown towards Meghan actually have grounds of believability.

The RW media have a lot to lose here, there vitriolic campaign against Meghan could be proved a lie, Hence the attempts by the RW to discredit the Lady who was questioned about where she was from, and the support given to Lady in Waiting.

I know this is supposition but reading Fumbs post before had me thinking as to what reason behind this furore could there possibly be.

Of course, I might be wrong and talking bollox
The bigger question for me is why the Lady in Waiting did not retire 23 years ago when she reached the then pensionable age. Did she continue in her work because she had found like-minded people who shared a similar world view or was she was just a victim of the cult of deference shown towards the Royal Family. Was she assigned to "look" after the Duchess if Sussex because of the shared world view she had with her employers? Which begs the question does the claim that the casual and overt racism shown towards Meghan actually have grounds of believability.

The RW media have a lot to lose here, there vitriolic campaign against Meghan could be proved a lie, Hence the attempts by the RW to discredit the Lady who was questioned about where she was from, and the support given to Lady in Waiting.

I know this is supposition but reading Fumbs post before had me thinking as to what reason behind this furore could there possibly be.

Of course, I might be wrong and talking bollox

This incident is not significant in itself, what is significant is the aftermath, because it has exposed another fault line in 21st Century Britain.

The muddle through Britain you and I grew up in no longer exists.

We live like separate tribes now, with different allegiances, a post truth country populated with groups that don't talk to each other, they just talk to their peers, often employing a completely different lexicon to you and I.

You and I are old time class warriors, but no one is interested in talking about class anymore.
This incident is not significant in itself, what is significant is the aftermath, because it has exposed another fault line in 21st Century Britain.

The muddle through Britain you and I grew up in no longer exists.

We live like separate tribes now, with different allegiances, a post truth country populated with groups that don't talk to each other, they just talk to their peers, often employing a completely different lexicon to you and I.

You and I are old time class warriors, but no one is interested in talking about class anymore.

I'd disagree to some extent in that the Lady in waiting's actions were about class as they were about race. Some people in this country view themselves as "better " than other people because they think they are from a better class than the other. Most if not all of those people are right leaning in their politics and have something of a rainbow tinted review about old colonial Britain being somehow what we should aspire to go back to as a future if you get my drift. In their outlook nobody who doesn't look like them is unable to be truly British. If you review a lot of the tweets to and about Sunak criticism about his politics, his acts to "undermine and dethrone" Johnson then Truss is both a leftist coup and somehow comes naturally to someone who is brown. They always need someone to punch down at and if they look different to them they are easier to spot.
I'd disagree to some extent in that the Lady in waiting's actions were about class as they were about race. Some people in this country view themselves as "better " than other people because they think they are from a better class than the other. Most if not all of those people are right leaning in their politics and have something of a rainbow tinted review about old colonial Britain being somehow what we should aspire to go back to as a future if you get my drift. In their outlook nobody who doesn't look like them is unable to be truly British. If you review a lot of the tweets to and about Sunak criticism about his politics, his acts to "undermine and dethrone" Johnson then Truss is both a leftist coup and somehow comes naturally to someone who is brown. They always need someone to punch down at and if they look different to them they are easier to spot.

There's something in what you say.

Downton Abbey meets critical race theory was never going to end well.
I guess it's interesting to you two, but Ngozie Fulani isn't claiming to be African. That's literally the whole point of the disagreement.

She literally couldn't say it any clearer when she told Hussey that she was British 10 times.

How have you two still not worked out that she's British after arguing about it for 3 days?

So why do we care that this African woman says she's not one ever claimed she was. She says she's of African heritage, which this Ghanaian woman isn't disputing.
Yesterday you were arguing with me after I said that Fulani was British and of Caribbean heritage, and that the whole African persona she worked so hard to cultivate was a fake. In fact you posted several times about this in the afternoon, in your usual shouty style of course, clearly taking some sort of umbrage with me suggesting she was British with a Caribbean heritage.

Her choice of name was one of the reasons why I thought the African persona was a fake, after doing a bit of reading that is, and a colleague who has Nigerian parents (who is of course British) also suggested it was a fake (I.e. not a family name). Another reason why I doubted the persona was an article written by a certain Ngozi Fulani, who stated that her connection with Africa started when she teamed up with an African dance group in London. No mention of family, just the dance group, which seemed a bit off to me. The Ghanaian lady in the thread points out further issues with her choice of clothing, which I’m happy to admit I wasn’t aware of.

Move on to this evening, and you’re now claiming that I haven’t worked out that she’s British, three days in.

It’s an interesting approach, certainly novel, although I’m starting to suspect that you get just as much pleasure from arguing with yourself as you do with other people on the thread.
Fulani was looking for a row. Looking for a problem. She got one. Stop being argumentative and see it for what it is
She certainly came across as looking for an argument. She knew what the woman was asking but chose to be evasive just to cause a situation. She's culturally appropriated a name and look ( which apparently is a big no no nowadays) then when asked where she's from kicks off.
It's like me standing there in a kilt and sporran, even though I'm not Scottish , then getting offended when someone is trying to get to the bottom of which part of Scotland I'm from, and I just keep saying I'm from Audenshaw.

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