The Carlos Tevez Thread

Re: Tevez - Huge Roar

salfordpaul said:
to the people calling eccles blue...shame on you!

she is city through and through and has more points than most of the internet geeks on here! eccles knows that i disagree with her point of view on tevez but i fully respect her views! with the mileage she puts in following city ...she deserves it!

good on yer sheila! lets get back to normal and win the title this year!! ;)

if it had been someone you don't know you'd be the same.

for the record i never insulted her i just said that what she did was shit, which it is.
Re: Tevez - Huge Roar

First time ive commented on Tevez on this board and I always felt the situation in Munich could have been handled differently or we never got the full story. That said Mancini had to be supported, he was and he won the battle and that is proper and correct. He's our manager and I for one hope he stays here for years to come and builds his own dynasty. I'm really hoping bridges can be built between Tevez and Mancini and that Tevez finally realises he can have it all here, the success, the money and possibly in time even the love. He is world class of that there is no doubt. Along with Aguero he is simply on a different level to any of the other strikers we have. He will take a lot to replace, his workrate, body strength and goals are unquestionable.

If he is totally to blame then he has been a twat of the highest order and I do believe we would have won the title far easier with him in the team for the last four months. However he has not murdered anybody and if the powers that be at City take a more calculated and less emotive view of the recent past and if Tevez himself gets some sense drilled into his head then a City team with Tevez is a far bigger threat than one without him. Why should some other team get a cheap Carlos Tevez when we should profit from him. This is hard business not some schoolground pick your best team. Take the emotion out of it, lets all move on and be successful together.
Re: Tevez - Huge Roar

IMHO our displeasure was voiced after the Bayern debacle and all the months since then that Carlos has been in Argentina. We had shirts burned and everything. When the transfer window comes up again, that's another good time to voice legitimate displeasure at Tevez. But once Mancini makes the decision to bring him back, that should be his choice. And his choice shouldn't be booed. Lord knows I've disagreed with Mancini on a lot, but when I do it's on Bluemoon, none of the players read it or take internet forums seriously. When it's at the game, that can demoralize the players and actually affect our title run. Even if you don't want to support Tevez, at least you can support the others and Mancini and especially our chase of the title.

Granted I can't go to the games, I would give anything I humanly could to be there but it isn't possible. It's the choice of the paying customers to boo and leave, and who am I anyway to tell you how to behave at the games I can't attend. But it shocks me when I hear booing or people leaving, for someone like me just being there during a Europa match would be a dream come true. Think about what this title run means to City and please value the time we get to enjoy something like this, there is no guarantee it will be there tomorrow.

Eccles Blue said:
Thatchersforearm said:
I heard booing in CB stand level 3. I for the record stayed silent. Listening to GMR on the way back some woman texted in and said as soon as he came on she got up and left. Her right I guess but not for me

I was that woman, and yes it was my right and I exercised it. I heard the boos as I walked from the front row CB L1 and I also saw and spoke to about 5 other people from the same stand who walked out as well.

On the main road outside the stadium there were a heck of a lot of fans who had also walked.

I will be back for the next game though.

My thoughts, for what they are worth, have been expressed in other threads on here about the person who didn't just make one mistake as some people are saying, he made many mistakes the chief one, to my mind showing such disrespect to his team mates, his manager and our fans.

Not having a go at you, but I am genuinely curious

Will you leave every time Tevez plays? Because if he keeps playing like this, he might start several games.
Re: Tevez - Huge Roar

Eccles Blue said:
Thank you to those who supported my stand, even if they didn’t agree with it. Wouldn’t the world be a boring place if we all agreed on everything? :-) Special thanks to CC1.

Bluemoon risen, I just love people who, when they cannot win their argument any other way, resort to personal abuse. However, I am going to assume that by ‘time of the month’ you meant the day in the month that I get paid and yes, strangely enough I do get paid on the 22nd of the month. How perceptive of you.

Have a good night’s sleep I am sure you will feel better in the morning!! :-)

p.s. like CC1 I think this is now getting boring.


Yes its boring... but on a final note there was no argument to "win", it was in fact my first post on the subject...

I know the PMT thing is a sore point, hence my useage of it.
Thankfully the majority didn't take your stance, however we felt about it.. instead we stayed and made a difference.
For the record I would rather us win the title without his input, but the fact is we needed him, as much as I hate to say it.
Oh, and I do apologise for the woman bit, but i still think your reaction was sad and unhelpful.
And I will feel the same in the morning as I do now.. on cloud nine. x
Re: Tevez - Huge Roar

I clapped him.

We have to support our lads regardless what you think of them personally. We need to get their best for all the time they play, booing him certainly isn't going to encourage him.

After the game today Vinnie said that the supporters do make a difference, lets prove him right for all the right reasons.
Re: Tevez - Huge Roar

Soulboy said:
I have no problem with people walking out when Tevez was called on to the pitch. That's their choice.

A stupid choice in my opinion, one that does no good to anyone associated with the club. But if it makes them feel better I suppose it's no different to leaving 10 minutes early to beat the rush.

But what I do find incredible was the woman on Radio 5 talking live on her mobile about her intentions to get up and leave!

What was that all about? That wasn't a protest about Tevez, that was all about trying to feel important when they're not.

Talk about atention seeking...

that wasn't me!! :-)
Re: Tevez - Huge Roar

This thread title is errrr a "little" misleading.

Huge roar my @rse, no idea how sky played it, but if those on TV heard a huge roar, then it was made up by Sky.

Those of us in the ground know the reception was at best muted, though the only booing I heard though came from the muppets from london, but even some of them cheered ironically.

How sweet that their "plays when he wants" song was rammed firmly back down their throats at the end.
Re: Tevez - Huge Roar

Eccles Blue said:
tyqmvko said:
Eccles Blue said:
I will be back for the next game though.

And what if Tevez was to start the next game? Sorry I know it is your own choice but I just don't agree on turning your back on the team.

I have made my protest now and that is it. As I have said on other threads on this subject, I am not going to cut my nose off to spite my face, I have paid for a season ticket and shall be attending all the rest of the matches this season as I have done home and away all year.

We shall have to agree to disagree on me allegedly turning my back on the rest of the team. I wasn't I was just exercising my right to be an individual. :-)

Thank you TCIB, you put it more succinctly than I did. :-)

it wasn't exactly a silent protest though. Why text GMR - and was it you who got in touch with 5 live as well.?
Sure, you've got a right to do what you want - but in my eyes you've done what he did - walked out on the team unilaterally because of something you didnt like.

But then you felt the need to publicise this - which as the media do - will be used in a negative context - the media love any angle for them to say we are divided and you made sure they had one. At a time when we need solidarity, you want self publicity.

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