The Conservative Party

£1,700 a week and the staff are on £10 an hour.
She requires 24 hours care.
That’s £1680 a week, £87,600 a year at £10 an hour alone.
So to provide everything else they do, feed her, heat her, laundry, medical care, entertain her, occupy her, etc sounds like a bargain to me.
I don't mind paying more out of my wage towards NHS and social care etc. Said as much when Theresa May suggested it.
What I do object to though is giving extra money to something that will not address the problems. And this won't.
Shirley it will solve the problem. The problem being we are not giving enough money to The Nasty Party’s chums in the private health service.
As did I.
I took early retirement at 52.
I did not have NI taken at source from my pension.
At the time you needed 44 years for full state pension.
I paid voluntary NICs for a while.
When they reduced the number of years required I got my voluntary payments refunded.
My statement was true. Anyone retiring early on a private pension does not have NIC taken at source.
Having re-read all our postings, I have to admit you're perfectly correct in your statement. Pensions do not attract NIC irrespective of whether they are privately funded or state funded. I don't know what I was thinking when I made the comment. I only have to look at my own Civil Service pension as proof of your statement!
Please file my comment under "B" for Bullshit.
Fair point if you have extensive nursing needs. I was thinking more in terms of care residents with minimal nursing needs where the bulk of the cost would be accommodation based.

Where is that estimate for cost of board and lodge from? I know the article suggested it be capped at £12k, but I assumed the actual cost was higher.
I meant the cost to the patient would be £12K a year.
This Is just a sticking plaster job. The BIG problem is the state of the NHS. Over many years the NHS has not kept up with the rise in population and its increasing needs. We need more of everything, nurses, doctors, staff and infrastructure. Over the last successive governments have failed to address these needs are we are seeing the results.

The NHS is coming very close to being finished as cradle to grave service. Unfortunately we have a Nasty Party government who would be delighted to see that.
Having re-read all our postings, I have to admit you're perfectly correct in your statement. Pensions do not attract NIC irrespective of whether they are privately funded or state funded. I don't know what I was thinking when I made the comment. I only have to look at my own Civil Service pension as proof of your statement!
Please file my comment under "B" for Bullshit.
Fair do’s
The social care plan… without any plans for social care…. You couldn’t make it up. There’s no way on earth the NHS will hand back money in future years… history tells us - as wonderful as the NHS is - it will consume every penny you throw at it. Johnson’s plan is yet another elaborate lie. The additional funds going to the NHS will need to stay there. This tax hike is all about the NHS - when you back out the money to cover the cap and ceiling proposed there is virtually nothing left to tackle the overwhelming issues in England’s social care.

That would be my suspicion too - it's woolly, and the white paper is going to be scrutinised in minute detail for what it actually says. The NHS has been underfunded for donkey's years, and that's what needs addressing.

If the Labour party oppose the vote, the blustering buffoon will repeat ad infinitum that they voted against funding the NHS. Tell a lie often enough and loud enough....

Just as he lies often and loudly that the Labour voting on Brexit was against something it wasn't.
The Dalek meeting her french counterpart in a high profile meeting to feed the mass migration narrative today.

Must be wanting to bury the 10% tax hike and the Tory MP rebellion against it.

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