The Conservative Party

Paranoia is setting in

Only cretins want to relax immigration rules, or those who just randomly support any position that is the popular one within their little bubble.

The working classes are fucked RIGHT NOW. Not in some far flung future but now. And they've been told for 40 years that socialism is wrong but capitalism will save them because the laws of supply and demand apply everywhere, and this means they'll earn their right and buy houses or whatever.

People who want to relax immigration rules want to completely ignore supply and demand economic mechanism that promises higher wages that scale with a cost of living and instead want to depress working class wages so they don't have to be served at Pret by a bloke with a regional accent. And the Tories want cheap labour to compete with South East Asia in lieu of two centuries of hard fought workers rights which my family and I'm sure many others fought entire Governments for.

I cannot possibly explain my disdain towards people who wish for more immigration in this economic circumstances, and believe that they're fucking idiots who are parroting shit that they think makes them look humanistic, instead of the reality that they're destroying world economies.
Only cretins want to relax immigration rules, or those who just randomly support any position that is the popular one within their little bubble.

The working classes are fucked RIGHT NOW. Not in some far flung future but now. And they've been told for 40 years that socialism is wrong but capitalism will save them because the laws of supply and demand apply everywhere, and this means they'll earn their right and buy houses or whatever.

People who want to relax immigration rules want to completely ignore supply and demand economic mechanism that promises higher wages that scale with a cost of living and instead want to depress working class wages so they don't have to be served at Pret by a bloke with a regional accent. And the Tories want cheap labour to compete with South East Asia in lieu of two centuries of hard fought workers rights which my family and I'm sure many others fought entire Governments for.

I cannot possibly explain my disdain towards people who wish for more immigration in this economic circumstances, and believe that they're fucking idiots who are parroting shit that they think makes them look humanistic, instead of the reality that they're destroying world economies.

I personally just think its the answer to our labour shortages - every day if 1.2m jobs are not being done 1.2m days of production are lost. In the days of Red Robbo at Leyland in the early 70's all those strikes cost 3m days lost production a YEAR. We are smashing that every week thanks to that view. Demand is there - the supply has been halted by our own stupidity.
"Thirty-four hospital buildings in England have roofs made of concrete that is so unstable they could fall down at any time, ministers have admitted."


"The revelation has prompted renewed fears that ceilings at the hospitals affected might suddenly collapse, injuring staff and patients, and calls for urgent action to tackle the problem.

Maria Caulfield, a health minister, made the disclosure in a written answer to a parliamentary question asked by the Liberal Democrat health spokesperson, Daisy Cooper.

Caulfield said surveys carried out by the NHS found that 34 buildings at 16 different health trusts contained reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RACC), which one hospital boss has likened to a “chocolate Aero bar”. RACC was widely used in building hospitals and schools in the 1960s, 70s and 80s but has a 30-year lifespan and is now causing serious problems.

In 2020 Simon Corben, NHS England’s director of estates, declared that RAAC planks posed a “significant safety risk” because their age meant they could fall down without warning."
I personally just think its the answer to our labour shortages - every day if 1.2m jobs are not being done 1.2m days of production are lost. In the days of Red Robbo at Leyland in the early 70's all those strikes cost 3m days lost production a YEAR. We are smashing that every week thanks to that view. Demand is there - the supply has been halted by our own stupidity.

It's really that simple. Primary school simple.

You want to pay £5 an hour for a job. Labour cannot survive off that and demand £9 an hour. Then you pay that right because otherwise you have no labour.

There's this perverted notion that businesses somehow deserve special treatment - they don't. Again, it's lobotomy level simple; if you cannot afford to pay labour in this country a living wage then you cannot afford to be in business and you have absolutely no right to be in business. You're bankrupt. Yeah it's shit and it happens to tons of people but welcome to capitalism.

The answer is not to import workers to depress average wages so you can afford to be in business. Fuck your shit margins, get a better job.
It's really that simple. Primary school simple.

You want to pay £5 an hour for a job. Labour cannot survive off that and demand £9 an hour. Then you pay that right because otherwise you have no labour.

There's this perverted notion that businesses somehow deserve special treatment - they don't. Again, it's lobotomy level simple; if you cannot afford to pay labour in this country a living wage then you cannot afford to be in business and you have absolutely no right to be in business. You're bankrupt. Yeah it's shit and it happens to tons of people but welcome to capitalism.

The answer is not to import workers to depress average wages so you can afford to be in business. Fuck your shit margins, get a better job.

But what if you have to offer £30 per hour - a sum that will bankrupt your firm? And the only reason you have to offer that sum is because there are 100 vacancies in your firm and they make up part of the 1.2m bodies that are missing from the workforce. So there is a demand for workers that supply cannot support. Do you

a/ - pay that sum - risk your livelihood and that of everyone who works for you and at the same time risk distorting the market and costing the economy many firms and jobs? Maybe the answer is yes and we can just import the shortfall in goods from abroad which is ruinous for us all?

B/ - refuse to pay the necessary amount and manage the gradual decline to closure of your business with the outcomes broadly as above?

c/- export production to somewhere else in the world - keep your personal income but enrich the economies of competitors and the prospects of people working there for you where you may be able to pay them even less and import your goods into the UK with all the issues that causes?

there are many aspects to the conundrum but if we want to remain competitive there will need to be immigration - there are ways to control numbers ( its just successive govts here have refused to actively engage in using them ) and you could legislate to control wages to prevent undercutting ( its just that the govt - or more accurately their donors haven't wanted to do that for the past 12 years ).

You are aware that there almost as many people being granted visa's to stay and work here as there always has been? Its just that they are now mostly from the Far East, Pacific Rim, India and Pakistan and other non-EU countries. That is why they are focussing on people crossing in boats. Its an artificial set up breaking laws and conventions exacerbated by leaving the EU and therefore the Dublin Agreement which would allow for return designed to get you looking that way and tutting whilst the Govt simply allow people to come here anyway. Over 1.3m visa's were granted in 2021 - 56% up on the previous year. All through 2021 did Johnson, did Patel did any of them tell you that or did they point to people coming across in dinghies?
Simple. Tories utilise the low paid to subsidise private profiteers.

Basically, you are paying to have fuck all in life.

Just Tories being Tories........ providing their paymasters with cheap labour....or is it ''Here come the Strike Breakers?''
Only cretins want to relax immigration rules, or those who just randomly support any position that is the popular one within their little bubble.

The working classes are fucked RIGHT NOW. Not in some far flung future but now. And they've been told for 40 years that socialism is wrong but capitalism will save them because the laws of supply and demand apply everywhere, and this means they'll earn their right and buy houses or whatever.

People who want to relax immigration rules want to completely ignore supply and demand economic mechanism that promises higher wages that scale with a cost of living and instead want to depress working class wages so they don't have to be served at Pret by a bloke with a regional accent. And the Tories want cheap labour to compete with South East Asia in lieu of two centuries of hard fought workers rights which my family and I'm sure many others fought entire Governments for.

I cannot possibly explain my disdain towards people who wish for more immigration in this economic circumstances, and believe that they're fucking idiots who are parroting shit that they think makes them look humanistic, instead of the reality that they're destroying world economies.
I'd think that calling people cretins and idiots goes some way to explaining your disdain.

NHS and care homes in crisis, transport services desperate for drivers, food rotting in fields (all forcing up prices). No immigration means a declining population with a "working class" (anyone who works?) paying ever higher tax for benefits and pensions for those who don't work. It's unsustainable.

I can't work out whether you like supply and demand. But the growth of industrial cities like Manchester was because the demand for labour was satisfied by immigration, supplied from rural areas where the mechanisation that enabled the industrial revolution also cost jobs on farms.

I think you just don't like foreigners.
It's really that simple. Primary school simple.

You want to pay £5 an hour for a job. Labour cannot survive off that and demand £9 an hour. Then you pay that right because otherwise you have no labour.

There's this perverted notion that businesses somehow deserve special treatment - they don't. Again, it's lobotomy level simple; if you cannot afford to pay labour in this country a living wage then you cannot afford to be in business and you have absolutely no right to be in business. You're bankrupt. Yeah it's shit and it happens to tons of people but welcome to capitalism.

The answer is not to import workers to depress average wages so you can afford to be in business. Fuck your shit margins, get a better job.
Good grief. If the business goes bust, so does the job. The stuff will be imported from somewhere where it's made by...

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