The Conservative Party

"I can't understand your (simple) immigration position so I presume you're a racist or xenophobe".
I apologise for that presumption. Perhaps your use of words like cretins and idiots coloured my expectations.

To the point in hand. In a couple of months, the government stops the Covid bus grants even though usage is around 80% of pre Covid levels. Bus drivers' hourly rates have increased by 20% and companies are still short of drivers. Fares will increase, services will be cut, or the companies will go bust (private and the few municipal ones left). Should they? If I get your argument, they should.

(The government is giving some areas but only some areas money to provide services as good as London. No chance.)
It CAN support it. You pay higher wages to attract applicants from people who pay less and then over time the wages reach an equilibrium. That's the whole game.

My point is so simple that it almost blows people's minds looking for complexity that is not there.

If I wanted to start a business building spaceships but I cannot afford the spaceship building machine, then I cannot afford to be in business.

If I want to start a farm but cannot afford to purchase any land or a tractor, then I cannot afford to be in business.

If I want to start a genetic engineering lab but cannot afford to pay any genetic engineers, then I cannot afford to be in business.

If you have a firm that cannot afford to pay workers a living wage, then you cannot afford to be in business.

This is what I mean when I say how simple it is. There are slight complexities when it comes to certain goods or services which for one reason or another require Government subsidies, but for the main then this applies.
There is a labour pool. That labour pool will choose to put its career and efforts into the highest paying jobs and creates a cascade. If that labour pool has decided not to sell you its labour for the price you are quoting then see above.

This is entirely how the system is supposed to work but successive generations have forgotten this formula and now want to introduce outside variables such as global immigration in order to slant the equation. And there has become this almost religious worship of business in terms of how hard it must be protected and maintained and subsidised at the cost of rising wages to meet the equilibrium. Bollocks, you can either afford to be in business or you cannot generally speaking.

I couldn't give any less of a fuck about this type of partisan shit rhetoric. "Oh you're a Tory", "oh, you're a racist", "oh, they lied to you". You feel free to keep that type of nonsense bickering between others, my point is entirely based on the theory of immigration on the supply/demand equilibrium.
But it isn't simple. By those examples only people who already have money could start a business, whereas most businesses are started with borrowed money (or existing businesses bought - see Harrods / MUFC).

And you surely underestimate the record of immigrants in starting businesses. Clayton Aniline. Renold Chains. Beyer-Peacock. ICI. Even Engels (dad). And innovation - Flemish Weavers.

As for equilibrium, that could apply to when it becomes uneconomic to pay people the going rate for labour (inflated by shortages from not enough immigration) and we just import stuff made abroad at really low wages, and lose the jobs.
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