The Conservative Party

Any accountants out there?
I've just read that last January the Government changed the rules on accounting for interest paid on government debt by charging all the interest in year one instead of the previous practice of spreading it over the lifetime of the debt.
Apparently if we went back to the old method it would wipe out the fiscal 'black hole' entirely and generate an extra 14bn on top!
Keep up Len. That’s so the miracle can be declared in April 2024, thus giving us 9 months to enjoy the fruits of our sacrifices, just before the next election. As you well know, this is nothing at all about the country and everything about the Party. If it was China they’d be calling it out (well, maybe not China but N Korea, certainly).
Keep up Len. That’s so the miracle can be declared in April 2024, thus giving us 9 months to enjoy the fruits of our sacrifices, just before the next election. As you well know, this is nothing at all about the country and everything about the Party. If it was China they’d be calling it out (well, maybe not China but N Korea, certainly).
That is assuming, of course, that the economy doesn’t perform any worse than expected. If it does, there will be nothing left to bribe sweeten the electorate with come the General Election.
I can't see the catalyst for invention because so far we haven't invented anything that will solve the problem. We needed massive nuclear investment for example 20 years ago and it's here today when we most need it that we haven't got it. It's also provably true that people are not willing to pay for it given the expense.

UK CO2 outputs are now low but only because virtually all of our industrial manufacturing is now done in China where CO2 levels are consequentially sky high.

We're so called in a climate emergency but we're least able to impact it globally unless we choose to suffer which is to stop buying imported stuff or to pay more for it to be made locally and more sustainably. How many people are doing that and choosing that though? How many people shop in the farm shop vs go out for the cheapest food which often comes from abroad? Very few, it's a hypocrisy.

When you talk of corporate landlords who do you mean? Pension funds are amongst the biggest investors in property so I'm guessing you don't want a pension?
We could have been world leaders in tidal energy, but we shelved plans for it. A huge opportunity lost.

We need cleaner fuel for transport full stop. If it was 100% green, we could source our food from anywhere.

Pension funds, like everything else will need to adapt and evolve or go bust. It was forever thus.
The personal allownan e freeze is nkt made enough of, it used to go up about £200 a year it’s now remaining the same until 2028, that’s 7 years so £1400 roughly, that’s a £100 a month give or take by 2028. Ye fuck this lot.
Tell me about it, when I look at the tax I pay each month and then look at the state of public services, it makes me wonder where it all goes.
I don’t mind paying what I do, but when you see nothing but decline across society it’s sickening.
Basically were fucked if we don't earn more than £150,000?
What earnings are having to pay more tax, is it £150,000 mat ? Sounds like my disability benefits will go up which is a relief , that wont cover everything though obvs and need to get through the winter still
So all our troubles are caused by the pandemic and war in Ukraine?
None whatsoever due to internal factors.
He actually mentioned the ‘B’ word once, but he attached ‘freedoms’ to it thus rendering the reference redundant. No mention of any fuck-ups by any previous PMs or chancellors.
Seems the new blacklist contains not only the ‘B’ word but also the ‘T’ and the ‘K’ as well.
So all our troubles are caused by the pandemic and war in Ukraine?
None whatsoever due to internal factors.
He actually mentioned the ‘B’ word once, but he attached ‘freedoms’ to it thus rendering the reference redundant. No mention of any fuck-ups by any previous PMs or chancellors.
Seems the new blacklist contains not only the ‘B’ word but also the ‘T’ and the ‘K’ as well.
Yep, nothing to do with us guv , as usual, nobody buys that , do they ?

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