The Conservative Party

not only that but they're letting EDF build and run it so his whole point of not being held to ransom for energy is negated as we can't even build and run it as a country or a country owned energy provider.

A French state owned company.Taking back control of fuck all as a nation,aren't we.
A French state owned company.Taking back control of fuck all as a nation,aren't we.

Something the gammon just refuse to accept - all I can say is choose what foodstuffs you can live on that will be reduced 7% in volume by two years time coz thats where we will be. If you live on beans buy 100 tins now. Tow years ago the same money will only buy you maybe 93 tins..... so one week a year fasting?
what does that mean in effect?

The banks pay a surcharge on Corporation Tax of 8% - he has cut that surcharge to 3%. Like the "windfall tax" where energy companys pay a windfall tax then if they can claim they are investing profits back into the business 90% of that tax is refunded to them
Also OBR predict unemployment will rise to 4.9% in Q3 of next year adding over 500k to the unemployment register. Given the over 1m unfilled vacancies I wonder will they magically disappear or in reality will they go meaning its really 1.5m added to unemployment?
another issue arising from today - the welcomed rise in the Minimum wage - 5Live were at a community centre in Gloucester. The owner there was saying thats all well and good but that means next year her much valued cleaner will be on almost as much as the office manager who has far much higher levels of qualifications. They cannot pay the manager more due to other rising costs. Differentials - a popular word in the 70's and early 80's. You are not going to drive towards a better qualified workforce if the rewards for the commitment of time and your own costs to getting those qualifications are not there. That in turn blows to tatters your claim to want a high skilled high paid jobs economy? Thats what the Party of fiscal responsibility has managed to do with a 12 year run up to today. What a mess.
Hunt said the ending of tax reliefs would cause 90k kids drop out of the private school system and place a further burden on local authority schools - seems he gets that from a pre-pandemic 4 year old document published by the Independent Schools Council - they are a lobby group for Independent schools !!!

schools that do ok anyway - we got fleeced by the rich for the rich once again today


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