The Conservative Party

Until you push the state pension age - even though equality laws say there is no such thing - to 80 years old then you reduce the numbers who will get the state pension never mid the rises in the future - cynical ageism

I very much doubt we will see 80 in our life times, we may see 70.

The reality is we have an aging population. We can pretend we don’t but any UK government choices until we get to equilibrium are to raise taxes in huge way so our kids to pay for it or push the age up and raise taxes less. It’s a balancing act. The government has tried to push some of the cost to firms with workplace pensions (it’s a stealth tax to firms) but it’s really a little bit too late too for the current generation approaching retirement age in next 10-15 years.

IMHO there is a risk pushing the age too high - people will just quit work due to x condition and go on the welfare state - pseudo retirement for want of a better word. They’ll be a few hurdles to jump over obviously but you’ll surely be able to play the system.
So working people who save up and invest in stocks and shares are now being punished? The £6k threshold is f*cking ridiculous. We live in a materialistic society where many choose to opt for expensive clothes, cars and holidays whilst then wondering why they can't get on the housing ladder and are in debt. Meanwhile those who save are now having their pants pulled down.

On top of that, the help towards energy bills is being reduced next year combined with increases in council tax. This Autumn statement screws over working people and those who do the right thing.
So working people who save up and invest in stocks and shares are now being punished? The £6k threshold is f*cking ridiculous. We live in a materialistic society where many choose to opt for expensive clothes, cars and holidays whilst then wondering why they can't get on the housing ladder and are in debt. Meanwhile those who save are now having their pants pulled down.

On top of that, the help towards energy bills is being reduced next year combined with increases in council tax. This Autumn statement screws over working people and those who do the right thing.
What's new? Try to better your self in this country and you just get punished.
The government simply haven't recognised that the energy crisis impacts those earning a decent wage.
Most government spending makes GDP grow, except tax cuts for the rich. The idea that they'd spend all that on investing in business is fanciful.

Agreed however I was making the point that, in the UK, health and education outcomes are a direct inputs into UK GDP … otherwise the spend just disappears for no benefit. Health outcomes was a significant part of the reason the UK GDP suffered so badly against peers during COVID and appeared to perform much better against peers once we came out of lockdown.
We've been hearing the same old tired bullshit for over twelve years now. "Choppy waters", "balance the books", "unafraid to take the difficult decisions", "party of compassion", just florid rhetoric from Oxbridge old boys who are completely out of touch with reality. Jeremy C**t was participating in the usual woe-is-me radio round this morning, saying he can't be expected to ease financial burdens by taxing the wealthiest. Why not? Is their money not worth the paper it's printed on? Nope, they're just nailing their true colours to the mast. Genuine question, can anyone ever remember the economy being in healthy stasis whilst they have been in power? Yet they are still, inexplicably, voted in. "Economy" is a get-out-of-jail-free term that all these stuck up cunts have in their salvo, to deflect any meaningful criticism or accountability.

Sick to my stomach of the lot of them. Hope they crash and burn in the next GE.

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