The Conservative Party

Pretty apt that you can make the following words out of Sunak.
Sunk Anus - how appropriate, it’s almost a self fulfilling prophecy.
It’s absolutely staggering how little coverage this is getting. Summed up well here.

And Gullis is an absolute c*nt

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Makes my blood boil. They sunk to such filthy lows so long ago, that many are now blind to the foul stench that emanates from their every malignant pore. Anyone that votes for the Tories in the next GE, after what's transpired in the last decade, is a villainous, complicit twat.
Peston tonight - Tory MP we are coming up with a wide range of things to make it attractive to those who have left the workplace.

I can't stress enough - FUCK OFF you cunts - I did everything you told me to do I have saved in pensions I own my own house I have savings..........YOU stopped FoM an starved the UK of an EU wide pool of recruitment and nobody like me wants to bail you out - its your shit you clean it up I am not standing in it for you ya fucking bellends
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Peston tonight - Tory MP we are coming up with a wide range of things to make it attractive to those who have left the workplace.

I can't stress enough - FUCK OFF you cunts - I did everything you told me to do I have saved in pensions I own my own house I have savings..........YOU stopped FoM an starved the UK of an EU wide pool of recruitment and nobody like me wabts to bail you out - its your shit you clean it up I am not standing in it for you ya fucking bellends
From what they’re telling me to think, it’s all your fault that we’re in this situation. They must’ve paid you too much.

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