The Conservative Party

I've always voted Labour but if I'm honest do find myself moving to the centre now where funnily enough Labour have moved to too. The Tories have been in power for 12 plus years with 40% of the vote. So regardless of your political views I think it's time to give a non Tory party a go. However, no political party has got anything like a plan or vision for the future, so I think the change of government will be due to Tory fatigue rather than enthusiasm for Labour.
Those that scoffed at Corbyns proposal to move broad band to one provider in the UK (saving the UK consumer over £20 billion in the process) will be waking up next week to the news that under the Tory free market ideology their broadband charges may be increasing by £15 a month.

Because Corbyn eh.
Feel your pain-my dad died at 66 just a couple of months after retiring-he started work at 15 and worked a 6 day week most of his life-bet the Tories loved him

Life expectancy is shorter in the north than in the south.

Raising the retirement age has a massively disproportionate effect for precisely that reason.

do you think the government actuary department does not know this?
Life expectancy is shorter in the north than in the south.

Raising the retirement age has a massively disproportionate effect for precisely that reason.

do you think the government actuary department does not know this?
Life expectancy is shorter in the north of most UK cities than in the south of the same cities. (I know there are exceptions - Newcastle doesn't have a south.)
Peston tonight - Tory MP we are coming up with a wide range of things to make it attractive to those who have left the workplace.

I can't stress enough - FUCK OFF you cunts - I did everything you told me to do I have saved in pensions I own my own house I have savings..........YOU stopped FoM an starved the UK of an EU wide pool of recruitment and nobody like me wabts to bail you out - its your shit you clean it up I am not standing in it for you ya fucking bellends
I’ll come back to the workplace if I pay no tax and certainly no NI, I’ve paid my stamp so fuck off, I stupidly voted for Brexit and totally regret it now, these cunts along with me (my vote) have ruined this country.
I’ll come back to the workplace if I pay no tax and certainly no NI, I’ve paid my stamp so fuck off, I stupidly voted for Brexit and totally regret it now, these cunts along with me (my vote) have ruined this country.
I'm assuming these incentives are only being offered to those people who can afford not to work and chose not to?

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