The Conservative Party

another waste of our fucking money - that noose around the neck of Case gets tighter and tighter doesn't it? You will know its bad if he just up's and quits. When the Tories lose he will go anyway as he will be working with/under Sue Grey - I doubt he is a man who likes the boot being on the other foot

going so so well - scorched earth - bankrupt the country whilst blaming the last Labour Govt and claiming you are the party of sound finances ha ha ha ha ha Tory Bastids

Going so well maybe I should move savings into an off shore bank account can any one recommend one before the country is bankrupt
I haven’t the balls to do it but, is it time for an English Political Thread?
After all there is an Irish one which seems to encompass all NI issues, Nationalism/Unionism? Which is which nowadays?
There is a Scottish one which amongst other things, covers Scottish Nationalism.

What about English Nationalism?
I placed a couple of articles by Fintan O’Toole and Bridget Laffan in the Brexit thread which have been widely ignored.

I didn’t know where to place this from February 2023, so I’ll do it here?

Even if you haven’t time for the full interview listen to the last 5 minutes which I think offers an objective outside view of English Nationalism.

But what do I know, being Irish?

I am a Fintan Fan, a superb writer and political commentator.
I don’t agree with writing off so much money for fraud, and in fact I think every penny raised in tax should be accounted for properly.

But you could also argue that QE may not have been required in the first place had the last Labour government regulated the finance sector properly, and not been too cosy with the likes of Fred Goodwin, who was at Chequers every other weekend having smoke blown up his arse by Gordon Brown.

The die is cast now though, and like I said unless something dramatic happens with rates, the next government will be heavily constrained on spending, particularly if Labour maintains the role of the OBR. All imponderables at this stage but personally I think Starmer will do very well to hold it all together given the constants he’ll have to work within.
As you did not respond to my post i will reiterate, Labour will only be constrained on spending if they follow the neo-liberal orthodoxy.

The problem is when Labour under Corbyn pushed back against the orthodoxy, the establishment closed ranks and destroyed him through various personal attacks, lies and half truths.
another waste of our fucking money - that noose around the neck of Case gets tighter and tighter doesn't it? You will know its bad if he just up's and quits. When the Tories lose he will go anyway as he will be working with/under Sue Grey - I doubt he is a man who likes the boot being on the other foot

If he does fall on his sword we may well be treated to his TV interviews

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