The Conservative Party

I find it laughable that Farage's rimmers were going around saying Rose and Flavell were rubbish and had to go and Howard Davies needs to leave too. Meanwhile the Natwest Group announces profits up from £2bn to £3.5bn under their stewardship. Most firms would love that level of failure lol
You have chosen a rather unfortunate name for someone who leans to the left, back to the point.
It’s quite easy for a bank to make money.
Loans are given at one % rate, the goal posts are then changed, the borrower , ie the customer can do nothing about it as they are hiked up.
In the meantime the Bank pays its depositors whatever rate it wants to, knowing most are not going to move.
It’s widening the net interest margin that’s making the profit, not some particular skill of one of its employees.
If your personal details were discussed over a very intimate dinner with say your next door neighbour, or even your X Mrs, knowing it could end up as local gossip you may think a bit differently about the principles involved
Perhaps the question should be did the license payer have to cough up for a posh dinner at some fancy hotel for one of its employees or did he foot the bill himself.
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Great way to run into a spring election by winning people on your side with crippling energy bills - though to be fair those who would be hardest hit will have already been evicted and be living on the streets anyway

Great way to run into a spring election by winning people on your side with crippling energy bills - though to be fair those who would be hardest hit will have already been evicted and be living on the streets anyway

Happens every year. When we least use it, no change in price. When the heating goes on, make mass profit.

Looks like we know where they’ll fight the election, though.
Great way to run into a spring election by winning people on your side with crippling energy bills - though to be fair those who would be hardest hit will have already been evicted and be living on the streets anyway

That’s been known for ages though that it will go back up but no £60 a month help
As I keep saying most of them recognise they are done. Probably wouldn't contact Johnson for help as they know he wouldn't read anything they sent nor take their calls and in any event any promise he makes is worthless anyway


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