The Conservative Party

He gets very petulant when he is asked real questions by real people doesn't he?

Astonishing reply, and the snippy finish is crazy.
Usual practice of trying to make everything binary - reduce oil/gas means ending holidays. It's endemic in arguments though as things descend to ideology rather than wanting a debate.

Is it too difficult to answer the "why are you flying" to start by acknowledging that it's not the greenest method, but it is difficult to do things without doing so - no-one's really going to argue that for some PM journeys flying makes sense. Just not all of his flights.
Astonishing reply, and the snippy finish is crazy.
Usual practice of trying to make everything binary - reduce oil/gas means ending holidays. It's endemic in arguments though as things descend to ideology rather than wanting a debate.

Is it too difficult to answer the "why are you flying" to start by acknowledging that it's not the greenest method, but it is difficult to do things without doing so - no-one's really going to argue that for some PM journeys flying makes sense. Just not all of his flights.

ref your 2nd paragraph I suppose it was a cack handed way to avoid admitting that the next best alternative - rail - is being fucked by them too
He gets very petulant when he is asked real questions by real people doesn't he?

Astonishing reply, and the snippy finish is crazy.
Usual practice of trying to make everything binary - reduce oil/gas means ending holidays. It's endemic in arguments though as things descend to ideology rather than wanting a debate.

Is it too difficult to answer the "why are you flying" to start by acknowledging that it's not the greenest method, but it is difficult to do things without doing so - no-one's really going to argue that for some PM journeys flying makes sense. Just not all of his flights.
I thought he’d morphed into Boris.
I thought he’d morphed into Boris.

I think he's been told not to commit to anything, or to answer any questions directly.
He, and several of his govt, try to turn everything to reciting impressive-sounding numbers without context.

It sounded as though they have 'hundreds' of these licences to issue - that sounds unlikely to be covered for greenness, and also that the 'green crap' is well and truly done.
so Sunaks latest vote grabbing wheeze is to grant new North Sea oil gas licenses "to secure our own energy supplies and security" and keep British jobs and fuel costs down with our own gas and oil.

So they allow BP and Shell to extract fossil fuels. World market price at the time is for example $10 per unit. Do they expect them to see direct to the British Govt at $5 per unit? Have they not seen the profits oil and gas companies make? They are not charities. They are money making machine who's raw material may be finite but is entering a bonanza period as it runs it down.

Yet another over simplified mis-representation of the situation by this Govt.
Well, unless the conditions of the licences are that they only sell to the UK and with a proper regulator to set the prices they can charge then recent events have shown that it won’t give the UK a price advantage. But think how beneficial it would be to the UK if we could have lower energy costs to our competitors. Of course developing renewable sources and not linking those prices to world gas prices would be a start as well. Wouldn’t do so much good to the government‘s war chest for the next election‘s “give aways“ however.
Well, unless the conditions of the licences are that they only sell to the UK and with a proper regulator to set the prices they can charge then recent events have shown that it won’t give the UK a price advantage. But think how beneficial it would be to the UK if we could have lower energy costs to our competitors. Of course developing renewable sources and not linking those prices to world gas prices would be a start as well. Wouldn’t do so much good to the government‘s war chest for the next election‘s “give aways“ however.
It's perhaps too late for new gas now because gas demand is going to fall over time. You have to remember that our energy is expensive at the moment because supply fell due to COVID and the Ukraine war which cut us off from Russian supply. Demand however hasn't really changed and it'll probably reduce over the next 20-30 years. Gas bills will fall in time back to where they were, I think forward bought wholesale gas has already returned to 2019 prices.

The Tories sold off our gas storage capacity years ago because of this and as renewables were set to takeover, it's just that no-one really saw a natural gas squeeze coming. We need to aspire to become like Norway who is now completely reliant on renewables so they don't need to produce gas for themselves but as with oil they still drill it and sell it off.

I bet the Norwegian state-owned producer has made an absolute fortune over the last few years. It's the prime reason why the Norwegian pension vehicle is one of the richest sovereign wealth funds in the world.
It's perhaps too late for new gas now because gas demand is going to fall over time. You have to remember that our energy is expensive at the moment because supply fell due to COVID and the Ukraine war which cut us off from Russian supply. Demand however hasn't really changed and it'll probably reduce over the next 20-30 years. Gas bills will fall in time back to where they were, I think forward bought wholesale gas has already returned to 2019 prices.

The Tories sold off our gas storage capacity years ago because of this and as renewables were set to takeover, it's just that no-one really saw a natural gas squeeze coming. We need to aspire to become like Norway who is now completely reliant on renewables so they don't need to produce gas for themselves but as with oil they still drill it and sell it off.

I bet the Norwegian state-owned producer has made an absolute fortune over the last few years. It's the prime reason why the Norwegian pension vehicle is one of the richest sovereign wealth funds in the world.

I think what you are describing is a plan. A plan is something that is beyond this Tory Govt - they are Tommy the deaf dumb and blind kid but lacking in any touch so they are just blundering about and selling the pinball machines for personal gain

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