The Conservative Party

Jailing them by putting them through a court process which has massive delays caused by backlogs into prisons with a reported 300 places left - thats all.

The problem with this lot is they have no ideas - nothing new - they fall back on old lies which they know are stymied by 13 years of austerity of their own making so there are no ways out for them to clean up the mess of their own making.

We will use the Army - there are no spare troops minister
We will replace strikers with temps - errr thats been ruled illegal by the courts minister
We will set up emergency Nightingale hospitals to clear backlogs - errr there is no-one spare to staff them minister

Do you mean like the 'sovereign Wealth Fund' the UK should've had ?....... but the Tories sold it off.

The tories sold off something that has never existed? They are good. How much did they get for it?

Or do you mean that they used the revenue for other things than putting in a SWF? Nor any UK government for that matter. Do you want to go down that rabbit hole?

Sunak is married to the lass whose dad owns infosys who supply shell IT services. Shell drill for oil ergo the UK granting additional oil licenses is just the old boys club at play?

Fuck me that’s some tentative links right there so his FIL can sell a few computers.
It’s fill your boots.

Sublime to the ridiculous… infosys and BP have had a 20 year relationship worth billions, but it’s really been a smoke screen and they’ve played the long game and it’s all been leading up to the day the daughter of the owner of infosys was married to a bloke who happened to become prime minister and granted some oil licences. Fair fucks to them for sticking with the plan.
13 years of Tory government gives us this - and redundant barges for refugees and so many more failures observed by Sunak as he helicopters over them

I’ve completely given up on this government who do nothing more than look after themselves and use their power to change policy to line their and their backers pockets, using the system to tax us to the extreme to line the purse.

They disgust me but when I see something like that, that disgust turns to anger, anger that comes from deep from within.

Dirty, horrible scum, they don’t give a fuck if you survive or you die and those that support their policies, you need to take a long, hard look at what you are supporting.

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