The Conservative Party

well they already have to have liability insurance in place but if they are potentially raising the risk they present that will result in even higher costs to the business which is inflationary and bad for business
Realistically they are not going to employ anyone with mental health issues so severe that it presents a risk in the workplace and potentially to other workers. Many are potentially violent too when presented with stressful situations. Many do not like social interaction and indeed can have severe debilitating panic attacks or fits of anger.

It's all total bollocks.
Realistically they are not going to employ anyone with mental health issues.

It's all total bollocks.

as its not planned to come in until after the GE it has no chance - Sunak knows that but with every passing day they have a new scandal to distract us from so the announcements are wilder and wilder - I suspect by next Wednesday morning they will announce the introduction of Logans Run to fix the housing crisis and social care issues all in one.
or will employers have insurance in place for people on valium etc half asleep?
There are plenty of people with physical and or mental health issues who could work rw8th easonable adjustments and employer support but so many companies have costs pared to the bone to maximise shareholder returns and the public sector has been decimated
as its not planned to come in until after the GE it has no chance - Sunak knows that but with every passing day they have a new scandal to distract us from so the announcements are wilder and wilder - I suspect by next Wednesday morning they will announce the introduction of Logans Run to fix the housing crisis and social care issues all in one.
They've had 14 years of trying to get people back into work. Sick and disabled people.

Apparently it's gone and is getting worse. I think they failed. Many killed themselves.
There are a tiny minority who take the piss - however look how the hospital waiting lists have grown, look at the headlines about how certain meds are hard if not impossible to get, the collapse in the provision of mental health treatments, the collapse of social care so people have to be at home to care for sick and elderly people the state has abandoned then ask yourself why - I am afraid you are falling for their trick.
100% correct . Waiting lists growing by the day for hospital treatment, can’t get Doctors appointments for weeks , medication not available partly because of Brexit , social care practically non existent . These wankers know exactly what they are doing and the gullible fall for it .
Here is my pips story this last year so far

A year ago they sent me the forms , i had three weeks to fill out and return or they would stop my pips , i get the odd text to say they still have my forms , i have lived in fear every day of the letter coming to say no and having to go through the terrible appeal process

You have to tell them if you get better or worse ,if you dont they can stop your pips , rang today , hanging on for literally an hour to get through , told her i have got worse this last few months , hospital tests etc , she said my claim is still waiting to be processed

They rule by fear by telling you they can stopping the benefit at anytime but sunak thinks it is to easy to get pips , ****
Here is my pips story this last year so far

A year ago they sent me the forms , i had three weeks to fill out and return or they would stop my pips , i get the odd text to say they still have my forms , i have lived in fear every day of the letter coming to say no and having to go through the terrible appeal process

You have to tell them if you get better or worse ,if you dont they can stop your pips , rang today , hanging on for literally an hour to get through , told her i have got worse this last few months , hospital tests etc , she said my claim is still waiting to be processed

They rule by fear by telling you they can stopping the benefit at anytime but sunak thinks it is to easy to get pips , ****
Most PIP ongoing claims but they are understaffed and behind. If your condition has worsened and are not IRO the top rate for care and mobility you can ask for a full re assessment. They can also reduce your award following re assessment

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