The Death Penalty.

C_T_I_D said:
Question: If the person who murdered the victim was given the death penalty in a court case and then the executer was ordered to see to it they were killed, does that make them any better than the aforementioned murderer or does it make them an imposer of justice?


Imposer of Justice sounds good.

As you meet the queen..."and what do you do young man"
"i am the IMPOSER of JUSTICE"
"very good,carry on,oh look my pants appear to have fallen off"

Someone employed to be an executioner be it a bloody big axe or a needle is only doing a job.A muderer(apart from contract killers) are not doing a job.
Newlunar said:
Ally.P said:
kronkonite said:
Death Penalty doesn't work -look at America
a murder for a murder is wrong

My sentiments exactly.

Would you still feel that way if it was one of your loved ones that had been murdered?

I sincereley hope so. I would prefer a life (and i mean life) of discomfort and hard labour (no soft beds and tv's etc).

Seeing as the bible says Do not Kill I would prefer that to be the case for everyone in society. A murder for a murder doesnt therefore make sense to me.
Trust you two to say that!

I just think it is a measure worth taking if the following occurs:

- Senior citizens can walk freely amongst the streets without fear of being attacked, weapon or no weapon.

- Females can walk the streets without fear of being attacked, sexually or otherwise.

- Those who dress differently can walk the streets without fear of being singled out for being 'different'.

Yes, these things will still happen, but if the threat of the death penalty is ressurected then I believe wholeheartedly that this shall act as a detterant.

The loop hole being that it could be seen as legal suicide should someone wish to end their life.
C_T_I_D said:
Yes, these things will still happen, but if the threat of the death penalty is ressurected then I believe wholeheartedly that this shall act as a detterant.

I still question how much of a deterrent it actually is. Generally people don't plan to get caught for what they've done, so I don't see how they can be scared of a possible punishment. Their plan doesn't involve being punished.
Their plan is not to get caught otherwise they would not do it.

However, I am proposing that this should be one of the punishments available to the court should they deem the guilty party worthy of such a punishment.

I also think it may be a deterrent in terms of 'oh god, if I get caught for this, I'm brown bread' though. It'd certainly concern me.
If you can prove beyond reasonable doubt, for a cold callous pre-meditated killing, then the death penalty should be used!
For manslaughter, no! as these are usually not pre-meditated!
Forensic Science has developed so much in recent years the chances of a mistake are few as to years ago when innocent people were put to death for crimes they did not commit!

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