The Foodies thread

Apologies if this is already a thing, I couldn’t see one.

What are you cooking and what are your favourite foods ?

I love cooking, so making something from scratch is like escapism for me.

Obviously I love cooking a roast, I also made a lamb masala the other night which the wife said was “very good”

But the thing I’d love to master/do is a Beef Wellington, that would be me climbing Mount Everest, I’m just not confident about doing the flaky puff pastry.

Have this thread as well, love to cook here as well, but we dont have much to choose from here in the stores, makes it hard to make authentic cusisines.

One of my favourite foods now days are Bao Buns
An Amazon Prime day deal. I think AO were matching them, but have also reverted back to £250. If they can take a wage at £189 with free delivery, you have to begin to wonder about the mark ups.
Not sure that you can do a Fray Bentos in one of those sunshine. I've probably saved you a few quid there. You can thank me later.
The other half didn't get to cook a Moussaka as our electrics have gone tits up. The electrician is coming this afternoon to check the circuits. Our RCD keeps intermittently tripping and takes out sockets, alarm and boiler etc etc.

I am starting to suspect the Meaco 5 litre dehumidifier that is stationed in our hallway. Its only 8 months old so originally eliminated it from our enquires, but then wondered if the vent that draws in air was positioned too near the wall and overheating the condenser.

So to maintain the theme we ordered out from our local Greekery and for starters we had keftedes and for mains had Kota Souvlaki and the wife had the Mousaka. It was a beautiful evening last nigh so ate on the balcony but sadly had no Greek beer to wash it on down so improvised with Estrella. Yamas!
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We used to buy kits like that, but eventually I went to an Indian supermarket, it was quiet so I asked the woman what spices I needed to make authentic curry, I came out with a big bags of things like Garam Masala, (aromatic spices mixed) Turmeric, Coriander & Cumin, she told me a teaspoonful of each but then taste the curry as it's cooking and adjust. Add coconut cream if desired (if you use half a tin you can freeze the rest).

Anyway turns out we have enough spices for the next 10 years all for about 20 quid. They don't have any use by date or any of that nonsense. Try it, you can get very good at it.

I have done several of this guy's recipes. All been very good and authentic. He does a lot of BIR curries (British Indian Restaurant) which use a pre made base gravy. But I far prefer his 30 minute ones. Chicken Pathia being a favourite.

Electrician arrived early and it was a simple case of us overloading circuits, apparently we only get 20 amp for the main one. We have three circuits that include wiring to an inside pantry were the electric box and gubbins reside. The Kitchen was on a separate main so we could have cooked our Mousaka after all.

However, our emergency Greek takeaway was utterly splendid, with costings not dissimilar to the sourcing of our own.
Kali Oreksi!

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