The game is off

Didsbury Dave said:
If it was so easy to predict how bad conditions were going to be in advance,maybe you're the incompetent one for travelling.

You could always get a no-win no-fee solicitor on the police's case for your £2.75 petrol money.
It's not easy to predict if a game will be called off though is it clever knob. Everton (-7 degrees) was worse. Fulham (horrendous snow) was miles worse. Neither called off.
Three_Hat-tricks said:
Pigeonho said:
Rammy Blue said:
Surely you're taking the piss? It's fucking ridiculous out there, certainly not conditions to play a game of football.
In the bowl of the stadium it won't be that bad. I've been to games in extreme weather and to see this postponed is a surprise, or at least it was an hour ago when it was announced. Just my opinion.

To be fair Pidge, it wasn't called off due to conditions within the stadium. This came from the police. Probably not a good idea to let thousands in/out of the area in this weather.

That's what I don't really understand. They left it until the majority of those fans were probably out in the area. I don't live in Greater Manchester so don't know what the weather was like earlier this evening. Did it deteriorate much in the last couple of hours?
Didsbury Dave said:
Skashion said:
Fucking brilliant. Just done a 50-mile round trip up the M66 in high winds for fuck all. But apparently it's for our safety when you call it off just as fans who travel from far away are arriving and long after they set off. No, safety would be calling it off well before time because you've had advance notice of high winds all day and red warning issued last night. Cheers City, cheers a fucking bunch. Can I be reimbursed for petrol because some fucking incompetents can't decide it's too windy until an hour before kick off?

If it was so easy to predict how bad conditions were going to be in advance,maybe you're the incompetent one for travelling.

You could always get a no-win no-fee solicitor on the police's case for your £2.75 petrol money.

Where do you fill up?
Pigeonho said:
mancityvstoke said:
Pigeonho said:
He asked a question. I answered it.

If you had tried to get there ( which you never do) you would have witnessed ridiculous conditions.

You don't half talk some shit mate.
What's 'never do' got to do with it?

Don't start crying
mancityvstoke said:
Pigeonho said:
mancityvstoke said:
If you had tried to get there ( which you never do) you would have witnessed ridiculous conditions.

You don't half talk some shit mate.
What's 'never do' got to do with it?

Don't start crying
Eh? What the fuck are you talking about you dick? I asked a question, no tears, just a question.

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