The Game tonite...

Bellingham said:
mrksdawn19 said:
Did you go to Dortmund
Did you go to Barca last year?

Both of them plus New York. Don't try and side track me with your overseas fixtures mind games just because you can't be arsed to go tonight.

Got nothing to do with can't be arsed to go tonight
But I'll tell you one thing, I can't be arsed to indulge in childish banter with someone with the IQ of a gnat
Gelsons Dad said:
mrksdawn19 said:
Oh dear, hang your head in shame. You're obviously not the proper fan that you led us to believe if you missed two games.
I think to be called a plastic fan just because I can't drive 500 miles to a game on a Thursday night is disgraceful, and insulting
I'll give my excuse for Turin at The Aviva

In my case it's true. I was born in Sheffield!! I only support city cause the rags were full.

I grew up in near Halifax which is nearer to Mancehster therfore i am a bigger fan then you, live in Manchester for uni now :)
Gelsons Dad said:
mrksdawn19 said:
Did you go to Dortmund
Did you go to Barca last year?

I'll give you my excuse in Turin just let me know where to meetup?

Staying in Milan two nights, one night in Turin. Fly out 14th return on 17th. If you know any boozers fine. Happy to meet up for a pint. We can chat about tonights game. Hope you get a good reception, Channel 5 can be a bit dodgy you know. No such problems whatching it live at Eastlands.

Get off your arse and support your club you lazy tw@t.
Bellingham said:
Gelsons Dad said:
I'll give you my excuse in Turin just let me know where to meetup?

Staying in Milan two nights, one night in Turin. Fly out 14th return on 17th. If you know any boozers fine. Happy to meet up for a pint. We can chat about tonights game. Hope you get a good reception, Channel 5 can be a bit dodgy you know. No such problems whatching it live at Eastlands.

Get off your arse and support your club you lazy tw@t.

You don't know me, so have no reason to call me a twat.
You need to ask the mods if you can change your name from Bellingham to Bellend
Yo've been a member of the form for less than three months and you are insulting people you don't even know
It's idiots like you who give Manchester a bad name.
Call yourself a supporter, and you didn't even join its biggest forum til this year. Are you a glory hunting rag in disguise?
I was born in Manchester, I live and work in Manchester, I will die in Manchester.

I live City, I breath City, I dream City.

I was taken to my first game at the age of 2. I have been a Season ticket holder for 27 years. I have only missed a handful of games in that time.

Don't try to catch me out with this pre-season bollocks either - all my holidays are planned to fit in with City games, but i digress...

...the point of my post is that anyone not going tonight should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. No excuses!!!
Bellingham said:
I was born in Manchester, I live and work in Manchester, I will die in Manchester.

I live City, I breath City, I dream City.

I was taken to my first game at the age of 2. I have been a Season ticket holder for 27 years. I have only missed a handful of games in that time.

Don't try to catch me out with this pre-season bollocks either - all my holidays are planned to fit in with City games, but i digress...

...the point of my post is that anyone not going tonight should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. No excuses!!!


Bet your single as well
There will be people that really cant afford to go to every game or will actually be working and there for have to miss certain games. To say that they are less of a supporter or are somehow not loyal to the club and unworthy of claiming to be supporters is absolutely ridiculous. I do however agree that there is a percentage of our supporters who just cannot be arsed to go tonight just because were on tv and its a thursday night, if it were the knockout stages im pretty sure they would have decided to purchase a ticket and got up off the sofa. But just to state again that there will be some people who genuinely cant attend tonight and to say that there's no excuse or they are less of a supporter is disrespectful. I will be in attendance btw.
Bellingham said:
I was born in Manchester, I live and work in Manchester, I will die in Manchester.

I live City, I breath City, I dream City.

I was taken to my first game at the age of 2. I have been a Season ticket holder for 27 years. I have only missed a handful of games in that time.

Don't try to catch me out with this pre-season bollocks either - all my holidays are planned to fit in with City games, but i digress...

...the point of my post is that anyone not going tonight should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. No excuses!!!

My cocks bigger then yours ;)

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