The Great British Insurance rip off

Not surprised people are dumping them, the whole world needs a reset who the fuck us getting all our cash, those twats need bringing down to the real world.
Energy bills are still mental and need sorting. Vets bills are different, Im conflicted about it. We pay NI and so have an NHS. Dogs dont. We are paying private health care for them, from qualified medics who have had to do donkeys years worth of degrees to become vets. And they pay rent or whatever on their premises, not like a hospital. So all in all no wonder vets bills are high, they will be. Have a pet, be prepared for them I suppose. Utilities shouldnt be anywhere near what we have to pay though. Basic human need and should be privatised, imho
Energy bills are still mental and need sorting. Vets bills are different, Im conflicted about it. We pay NI and so have an NHS. Dogs dont. We are paying private health care for them, from qualified medics who have had to do donkeys years worth of degrees to become vets. And they pay rent or whatever on their premises, not like a hospital. So all in all no wonder vets bills are high, they will be. Have a pet, be prepared for them I suppose. Utilities shouldnt be anywhere near what we have to pay though. Basic human need and should be privatised, imho
An X-ray doesn’t cost 10 times what it did a decade ago though.
Energy bills are still mental and need sorting. Vets bills are different, Im conflicted about it. We pay NI and so have an NHS. Dogs dont. We are paying private health care for them, from qualified medics who have had to do donkeys years worth of degrees to become vets. And they pay rent or whatever on their premises, not like a hospital. So all in all no wonder vets bills are high, they will be. Have a pet, be prepared for them I suppose. Utilities shouldnt be anywhere near what we have to pay though. Basic human need and should be privatised, imho
Like I said earlier mate they are run by conglomerates now, praying on your love for pets, same as they do in usa for people. It’s like making dogs have boosters every year or you can’t put them on a kennel, we have a cat it’s never had booster he’s 14 now, never been sick (touch wood). The mark up on medication is ridiculous like someone said get a prescription and buy over the internet. Our latest vet is always trying to sell us something I bet they catch loads of old people with that shit.
Just got our pet insurance through and it’s nearly doubled, tried comparison sites and it’s pretty much the same. Our car insurance looks like it’s going up by at least 35%, the thing is we’ve no choice you can’t choose not to have car insurance, they are blaming supply chains etc but they’ll not come down when everything calms down the robbing bastards. The pet insurance is just another money grab, apart from medication and vet fees what can justify a 100% increase, it’s pure fucking greed.

everything has gone up. Have you seen what Brexit has done to medication for humans? Well animal meds are not immune to the price increases and difficulty to source from abroad. Vets are in very short supply - that will get worse when all the border checks come in a few weeks/months. All those exports and imports need to be checked and signed off by an actual vet. If there is more money is signing off a consignment of pork to the continent than checking your Fido for fleas then you had better head to Pets Are Us as you'll be on your own.

On home Insurance the same cost rises applies to materials as does to meds - all the labour costs went up because all the Polish plumbers and Hungarian brickies went home. And the admin costs have gone up as have the wages.

Car insurance - same applies again - so few cars are assembled in the UK so the costs and times to import parts have gone up. As have wages as have admin costs at the garages. Also many offer a hire car whilst yours is off the road awaiting repair. Have hire charges gone down? Thats why cars are getting written off for the slightest ding - its cheaper than paying for 6 months hire charges waiting for a headlamp from say Germany.

Add in for all scenarios gas and leccy has gone up for all INCLUDING the Insurers I mean its up to us pay less and have no vets to treat your pets wait weeks for a piss poor plumber to fix a leak and have your car waiting months for a new wing and some paint.

If your costs have almost doubled don't expect those of others to have remained the same - Covid and Ukraine have not helped but Brexit has laid solid foundations for this mess
Jesus that’s unreal

I retired from the Insurance industry in 2021 - specifically the claims side of things - from pre-Referendum days there were discussions and articles in the Trade Press that a vote to Leave would cause a massive uplift in premiums because costs of everything would increase. Then Covid hit and in certain areas quite understandably employees from overseas went home to ride it out with their families and then Patel got laws passed that prevented them from returning. A mate who lives in Kent and worked in the City at an insurers head office tells me almost 40% of staff - Portuguese - French - German etc - vanished almost overnight. And if something is in demand we know the prices for it rise - labour is no different. And then Ukraine pushed the costs of everything up too.

That last one is what makes me laugh. All these "back to the office" warriors who have money in commercial property and are shit scared don't grasp that employers are happy for folk to work from home as that way they use their own heating and lighting and even make their own brews.

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