The home brew thread

tom said:
ancoats said:
went into town yesterday (manchester arndale market) and there its was a homebrew stall and had all the stuff and great info
nice one for that
have to check it out
Price it up and compare the price to Wilkos first.
I purchased everything from Wilkos at good prices thanks to the biggest pisser of them all, Taxi!
A full coopers boxed kit is between £50-£70 notes.
All in Wilkos around £30!
yeseye said:
tom said:
ancoats said:
went into town yesterday (manchester arndale market) and there its was a homebrew stall and had all the stuff and great info
nice one for that
have to check it out
Price it up and compare the price to Wilkos first.
I purchased everything from Wilkos at good prices thanks to the biggest pisser of them all, Taxi!
A full coopers boxed kit is between £50-£70 notes.
All in Wilkos around £30!
there are 2 home brew shops pretty close to me which i use but always like to check others out
i buy online too
not sure about wilkinsons own brand picked up a wilkos 6 bottle chardonnay just to see what its like
just put it on now
Crabbers said:
bumbleblue said:
Oooo's good intit.the stout should be finishing it's second ferment..then I will bang it somewhere cooler to condition ..was gonna save for winter but I can't see it lasting..the wherry has gone down a treat..pear cider still away this weekend but choices choices...what to do next???
Have you done any lager yet?
Yes my first lager on I will bottle it at weekend its coopers Australian lager..but it uses an ale dunno what it will be like..its clearing already..I will update on here when its bottled.
My wilko chardonnay is half bottled I put the other half in a wine box bag and took it away for weekend to share with family drank most of it myself got totally pissed and it tasted as good as my cousins 7 quid had only been done a day..their had more body as you would expect From a mature bottle mine was good and I got a goodun xx all
Great post again taxi! And i think its fair to say that had you not started this thread then I (and possibly others on here) probably wouldn't have begun the home brewing adventure.... Which is fast becoming obsession.

That's great news about the muntons lager. I wonder how many people would have chucked it thinking it was bad. I guess patience really is a virtue!
Great post taxi and thank you for the mention, and for starting this amazing beer journey of a thread. Ruby red is likely to be barrelled tomorrow, then it's on with a mixed fruit cider, then a black pearl stout (that will be modified), the wife's wine is starting to clear so all is going to plan.

If you're titsed with having to sterilise bottle after bottle or have no space for loads of barrels, then take a look at the mini/party kegs, they hold 5 litres and can be used time and time again.
Hi all.

Haven't posted in thee thread for a while because of life getting in the way, selfish I know. I've managed to go and build myself a "home brew barn" fully kitted, which I'm buzzing about and ready to get my next brew going.

I've bought myself another 2 fermenters, so I can have more going at once, and I have a few things in the pipeline; a woodfords wherry (taxi have you ever added anything to the wherry like chocolate etc?), a Barolo a red wine (thanks taxi for the links), and a Sauvignon blanc for the mrs and her family.

After that I'll get another lager on the go, the aim is to have all this ready to sup for Christmas. Happy home brewing everyone.
TINY said:
Hi all.

Haven't posted in thee thread for a while because of life getting in the way, selfish I know. I've managed to go and build myself a "home brew barn" fully kitted, which I'm buzzing about and ready to get my next brew going.

I've bought myself another 2 fermenters, so I can have more going at once, and I have a few things in the pipeline; a woodfords wherry (taxi have you ever added anything to the wherry like chocolate etc?), a Barolo a red wine (thanks taxi for the links), and a Sauvignon blanc for the mrs and her family.

After that I'll get another lager on the go, the aim is to have all this ready to sup for Christmas. Happy home brewing everyone.

Hello Tiny just a quick reply
Great news with the brew barn.
Get a telly and kettle in there and it will make a top bolthole as the dark knights draw in

So many people mentioning Christmas lately
Had one customer just mention bommie night and when you think about it its less that 2 months away.
A clichie I know but the older you get the faster time really does go.

I have made such a mess of the house recently with the brewing that I will be transferring the production into to the garage.
Doesn't matter how careful you are the odd mishap will occasionally happen
Temperatures in there for the lagers will be really cold for the fermenting and ideal conditioning territory.
Wines will have to stay indoors
Some of the walls in my playroom resemble a scene from the Texas chainsaw massacre.
When I get a minute I will have to re-magnolia up
Two coats definitely as it has nearly eaten through to the plasterwork

Never added anything to the Wherry Tiny.
Just papped about slightly with the balance to bring it up to 4.8%
Followed the instructions given from a master masher in cyberspace and it still maintains the balance of the kit perfectly.
I listed the ingredients back in the thread.
Buy yep add away and let us know what happens.

I have been left home alone today as the wife has gone out with the daughter shopping.
My car is in the menders after a homicidal ethanol infused junkie decided to punch my bonnet to fook.
Transpires later in the day when his white mist had dissipated that he thought I was kidnapping his bird.
She had just ordered a taxi home.
No problems as we are time served professionals highly skilled in the noble art of taking shit on the late shift !
His bill after apologizing was £300.
This goes back to the earlier post yesterday about how important it is to eat regular when on a bender.
Normally a right nice passive chap too
Hey ho hey ho but in his defense it was a full moon
A quick one here,that is where the word lunatic comes from
Lunar as in moon and tick
I kid you not !

Anyway she is bringing me back a Milestones dark galleon from Wilko for only £16
All the milestone real ale kits are twin can and just like the wherry require no extra additives
Drop in bin add the water stir and smile and add yeast, absolute easy-ville
I have tried the Milestones Lions Pride and that was a very nice session ale indeed
That was also one of my first brews

Good luck with the Crimbo brewing
See you later
mscenterh750 said:
Oh shit I may need some help and advice!. I've got my beer close to fermentation completion, and have just realised that I should've put campden tablets in the water before brewing, will this affect my first ever brew?.[/quote

I have never used them..what ate you brewing?
bumbleblue said:
mscenterh750 said:
Oh shit I may need some help and advice!. I've got my beer close to fermentation completion, and have just realised that I should've put campden tablets in the water before brewing, will this affect my first ever brew?.[/quote

I have never used them..what ate you brewing?
A St Peters ruby red ale.

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