The home brew thread

Just threw in a chocolate stout after being inspired from the poster above; looking forward to that. Hopefully ready for a sip at Xmas. Bottled a white I did which will keep the father in law happy.o

Also recently completed my new 'brewing shed' which is beginning to get used!
Crabbers said:
Bilboblue said:
Crabbers said:
Sounds like youve got plenty stocked up! Gonna be a good christmas round at bilbos!

Might be great for some if I manage to get away on holiday!

I still have a few pints of the American IPA I bottled many weeks back, it's getting better all the time, gave a mate a bottle of it last night, his verdict:

'Initial taste very similar to Bengal Lancer IPA with a stronger after taste . BUT very nice mate good work will enjoy with my Sunday roast...cheers'

Followed by:

'Stronger after taste goes away. Final verdict fucking loved it...'

Which is pleasing :D

Tom, never tried a still but I think spirits you can only do up to 22% alcohol content?
Nice review of the American IPA. How does it compare to the wherry? Am i right in thinking its the kit where you add hops part way through?

I put a festival ales golden ale kit on yesterday and have woken up to the glorious sound of it bubbling away this morning.

Hi Crabbers, I found the Wherrys to be smoother than the IPA, but I absolutely love IPA's, yes you add the hops part way through the brew, towards the end of fermentation but I left the hops in longer than recommended in this batch, probably around 10 days I think, as opposed to the recommended 3-5, that may have contributed to the aftertaste my friend talked about, but it's a nice aftertaste.

TINY, how has your chocolate Stout started? Mine seems a bit 'flat' i.e. not much froth on it and not bubbling up yet, wondering if I should give it a good stirring?
Just had a quick peak inside the chocolate stout, and POW! the aroma of chocolate smacks you in the face as you do. I'm hoping the stout isn't TOO chocolatey as that isn't what i was going for, so hopefully the chocolate aspect calms down a little. Looking forward to this one over the Christmas period; I can't imagine it is going to be too sessionable, as it is going to come out at around 6 - 7% and may be quite heavy, so I may have to couple this with the Pilsner or Barolo. Good times.
Taximania said:
Bilboblue said:
Crabbers said:
Nice review of the American IPA. How does it compare to the wherry? Am i right in thinking its the kit where you add hops part way through?

I put a festival ales golden ale kit on yesterday and have woken up to the glorious sound of it bubbling away this morning.

Hi Crabbers, I found the Wherrys to be smoother than the IPA, but I absolutely love IPA's, yes you add the hops part way through the brew, towards the end of fermentation but I left the hops in longer than recommended in this batch, probably around 10 days I think, as opposed to the recommended 3-5, that may have contributed to the aftertaste my friend talked about, but it's a nice aftertaste.

TINY, how has your chocolate Stout started? Mine seems a bit 'flat' i.e. not much froth on it and not bubbling up yet, wondering if I should give it a good stirring?

Bilbo good evening

The wherry is absolutely smooth
Great pint and unbreakable pal

Sure someone recently broke a beaverdale on here
Not too sure how as fairly bombprooF but sheet happens ?

Loads of reds on the go and a little bit of wherry left
Room full of lagers
Going to get the Muntons gold pilsner back on the go again
Really enjoyed that one
Should to be good to go for end of January

Stocking up now on drinks you cant make for Crimbo
Egg flips N baileys (not balybollocks Irish cream but real baileys) Rum and Glenfidich et all

Also watching lager prices as they utilize them for loss leaders at this festive time of year
Two years ago I saw a crate of stella bottles 330ml 24 bottles for a tenner
Grabbed 10 of them
Rude not to and I still didn't do the Christmas shop in there so : p

Supping coopers tonight and now on g and t with ice and a slice
Going to get wrecked mate
top bannana !
Ha that was me who broke the beaverdale. Its actually not too bad on second tasting. The wife's necked a bottle already anyway!
I've seen these jubilee kits before at
Burnley; are they worth the money? I'm sometimes sceptical with the 7 day wins; does it stack up to your beaverdale taxi?
Enjoyed that taxi thanks! Although they seem to have way more steps than I do.

Think I might give the jubilee a go, at just over £1 a bottle...why not?!
My chocolate stout is smelling delicioau and looks as good at the moment. Just bought a Solomon Grundy wine kit; should've been £35, reduced to clear for £23, so I tjoight why not! It's a rosé so its not really doing to be my cup of tea, but will suit the Mrs and her sisters for Xmas if it's good. Anyone brewed one of these?
Well impressed with the Solomon Grundy wine kit, not made in quite 7 days but will be ready to bottle tomorrow, and it taste real good even at this early stage; I'm not a rosé drinker but it's good! Comes out at 12.73%ABV which I'm happy with.

ChocolAte stout is also ready to bottle so I'm going to do it all together tomorrow. That also looks and smells impressive at the moment. Anyone still brewing?
TINY said:
Well impressed with the Solomon Grundy wine kit, not made in quite 7 days but will be ready to bottle tomorrow, and it taste real good even at this early stage; I'm not a rosé drinker but it's good! Comes out at 12.73%ABV which I'm happy with.

ChocolAte stout is also ready to bottle so I'm going to do it all together tomorrow. That also looks and smells impressive at the moment. Anyone still brewing?
Oh yes most definitely. Bottled a festival ales golden stag on saturday and popped a wilkos cabernet sauvignot on yesterday.
Bottled my Chocolate Stout today, and the Munich Dunkel so that's me sorted for Chrimbo.... still got a fair bit Saison left (quaffing some this very minute) and the Oaked Rum Ale which has slightly disappointed me, thought I would have more carbonation, any ideas? Maybe some carbonation drops? Decent taste though.

Have another Woodfordes Wherry to do and a 'Lights Out' Black IPA to do which is a partial extract, hadf to buy a new stainless pot to boil up in but looking forward to a slightly different challenge.

I might buy a wine or cider kit to do instead of the Wherry, not decided yet, how long does a Barollo take to be drinkable Taxi?

Cheers fellow alkies *burrrrrrrp*

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