The Labour Government

No it's an honest question. Where do you want the taxes to fall specifically?

There is the super rich but then there are only around 50 billionaires in the UK, all of them are more than capable of leaving the UK to move elsewhere in the world.

There are people who earn a lot of money but they're already taxed 45p on every £1 they earn above £150k. Upping this to 50% will not make any difference, anything above that is just theft in my opinion.

The simple answer is the only reasonable and fair answer is to increase general taxation on everybody.
Agree. As regards the 45% bracket its actually anything above £125,140 and between £100k and £125k the marginal rate is 60% due to the loss of the personal allowance.

That said Im a strong advocate of taxes being progressive. But there always needs to be balance.

If they are looking for more money they should remove the VAT exemptions around financial services that only benefit the wealthy, believe it or not that would raise around 8.7Bn (

There's a whole host of other things that are strangely exempt or you pay a lower rate of vat on e.g. Aircraft (including helicopters) and their maintenance and hire, Boats likewise and Gold investment.
Having thought about this for a few days , without a proper drive to get everyone that can get , does get pension credit then it doesnt sit right with me , could have been handled much better . Also i remember labour insisting those with the broadest shoulders should pay most , so it is a strange place to start saving money

I hope they at least hunt down the ppe fraud money , they said they would, do it

It’s those who don’t qualify for pension credit with only the state pension coming in who are going to get unfairly whacked here. Means testing it is fair, just set it at the right place.

On COVID fraud, would like them to focus on trying to get the loans bit sorted. The PPE one I’ve long said this should be managed through taxation. Anyone making extraordinary profits compared to pre and post COVID should pay an exceptional rate of tax. We did this during WW1 for profiteering, they paid 100% tax on it, even if we whacked them with a 75% bill they’d still have done well. I think that horse may have bolted though and it’s hard now to retrospectively apply it as it’s a few years ago - but if she did it I’d be a big fan.
If you`re all worried about the removal of the Winter Fuel allowance just wait until we find out what`s round the corner. WF will be the least of your worries. Expect middle class Britons to take a hammering whilst the wealthy can afford to employ accountants to maintain their status quo.
what I couldn't understand is as they came from all over by car and train. The Police said in the afternoon they were aware of the plans and even said the EDL were organising it. Why not just stop them travelling? Turn cars away - get them on a train back where they came from? They did that to the striking miners.

I was just thinking half way through your post.
No it’s 1 in 4 - although I suspect much of that is their home. 1 in 5 is the total for all age groups not just old folk.

“The data also shows that one in four people aged over 65 (25%) lived in a household with a total wealth of over a million pounds.”

@Eccles Blue beers are on you lass for the Ipswich game. I guess we will find you in one of the fancy boxes.
*rofl* Eeh lad (or lass) I wish. Not for the fancy box but to be able to buy a drink for every BlueMooner.

If I had anything approaching a Million the first thing I’d do is hire a private plane to take me and my family to Vancouver to see the wonderful sights over there. :-) :-) It won’t happen but I can always dream. :-)

Unsurprisingly the top welfare claimants/scroungers are Tories but coming it at No1 is none other than the fella who left that 'note' in the Treasury all those years back!

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