The Labour Government

Try working in the real world.
You mean the one where you get bonuses for dong your job or flown to USA free of charge to Vegas all expenses paid because that’s what my mates at Cisco get every year, along with shares in the company and very good salary and benefits. Or my other mates who are sparky and joiners who do cash in hand jobs and pay no tax on that money earned, ye the real world.
Try working in the real world.
Would doing a job where having petrol bombs and blast bombs thrown at me, or having catapults fired at me, or a gunman "disappear" down an alleyway when challenged be "real world" enough for you?
You obviously haven't got a clue about the "real world", you just read the propaganda of the French Lord Rothemere, the former Aussie tax fraudster and their ilk and believe it.
Always gotta better yourself.

Can’t believe Tories are complaining, PPT must be on massive wages but wants to beat down.
comes across as someone on a decent crack but has no pension provision. Like my in-laws really - confident in their choices until they come out as wrong then they get a bit pissy
comes across as someone on a decent crack but has no pension provision. Like my in-laws really - confident in their choices until they come out as wrong then they get a bit pissy
My best mate works in the real world has been a plasterer since he was 16, earned an absolute fortune over the years down south, he has literally blown hundreds of thousands on cloths, cars, relationships, he is now 55 is struggling with work just due to the toll on his body and hasn’t got a pot to piss in, lives in a council house paying £800 a month in rent alone, he has no pension to speak of, he knows he’s fucked now but it’s too late, like I said choices.
27% pension contribution is obscene when it’s tax payers money being used. Stop trying to defend the indefensible.
isn't it cheaper to pay 27% pension contribution as a tax rebate than pay competitive salaries with a lower pension? after all, the person wont receive as much money in retirement as they would in salaried years, for obvious reasons....
Bollocks I’m all for helping people out, but there’s plenty given too those who don’t need it that could be redistributed, my mum and dad don’t need the winter allowance so hopefully that can be given in some other way to those that need it, yes there are lots of people on low paid incomes and they get help with tax credits, I’m on about thinking long term, planning for your future , if you think you can stay low paid forever and then retire and live a decent life on state pension you are sadly mistaken. The idea is that as you get older more experienced you move on try and better yourself, work in a bar, clean etc but then try for better and then someone else takes that job. I’m all for helping people but they need to want to help themselves as well. Let me ask you do,you think they should remove the cap on two child benefit? I certainly don’t because again that’s a choice, there was woman on with 6 kids saying she can’t manage etc, well here’s a thought close your legs love, or do you advocate we should just keep chucking cash her way?

You're just saying things i haven't said and ignoring questions so I certainly ain't answering any of your pointless questions. Millions of people will do important jobs that we all need doing and the circumstances including the pay prevents them from saving for a nice little pension taken early.
You don't believe these people deserve a few hundred quid to keep them warm, that's on you. I have never said those that dont need it should get it, not once.

Its odd that someone who has spent all his life receiving money from the state seems averse to the idea for others.

It's also hilarious that someone who moans about his shit( laughable) pay derides others on shit pay. Why did you spend years on shit pay why didn't you get a better job? That's your reasoning no? It's genuinely funny anyone can post such hypocritical twaddle whilst looking down on millions of people. If presume if you ever need anything from the supermarket or social care in the future you will delight in telling them what losers they are.

BTW check out others countries state pensions they piss all over ours even with this huge cold pensioner money grab. They must be right lazy bastards in Europe needing that extra state pension money.

Now off you pop Tebbitt I'm bored of it now.
isn't it cheaper to pay 27% pension contribution as a tax rebate than pay competitive salaries with a lower pension? after all, the person wont receive as much money in retirement as they would in salaried years, for obvious reasons....
No. Because the pensions are index linked against inflation for the lifetime of the employee.

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