The Labour Government

.... but all their spending plans were "fully costed" as we were continuously told time after time in the elecrion build up.... "its all there in the manifesto".

I do not recollect there being any mention of cutting the pensioners winter fuel payments in the fully costed manifesto - must have passed me and the rest of the country by along with all the further tax increases we can look forward to, things like fuel tax, vehicle licence duty, insurance tax a;; will have a massive impact on the less wealthy in society whilst MP's will continue with their massive over indulgent expense accounts for their second homes and heating allowances.

Still, like the people of Wales the rest of the UK will now benefit from the party that "puts the country first".
It's thar black hole that suddenly appeared, knew I should have voted for Captain Kirk.
Yeah of course, get all that. I mentioned Mansion Tax is the same post, which was perhaps confusing.

But back to IHT, for me it's a matter of principle. You either think it is morally right for the state to take money off people when they die, depriving their airs of money that their parents presumably wanted them to have, or you don't. I am in the latter camp. You live your life and pay your taxes, and that should be the end of it IMO. I don't think it's right that when you die the state should say great we can now have even more of that money you've accumulated. Even worse, to change the rules on people AFTER they have made all of their life choices. The holidays they didn't take, the car they didn't buy, the house move they didn't do, so they can give money to their kids and give them a leg up in life. Only to find that Rachel Thieves says thanks very much, glad you've accumulated that cash, we'll have some more of that (laughing as she does it).

So I am not in favour of their being any IHT at all, let alone a reduction in the tax exempt limits.
But moan when public servies are on their arse....
Can you be a bit more specific about "recouped via other means".... you mean like more cuts on things like winter fuel allowances etc...? They are going to be Tory lite and allow the rich to get richer whilst cutting publice service and increasing the taxes that will affect the less well off much more severely... just take a look at the Welsh Government, cutting everything left right and centre dur to lack of money whilst at the same time increasing the members of Welsh Parliament by just under 50%... all to secure their own futures.

Believe me the UK will suffer badly at th hands of this Government.
That’s a shame as we were all prospering under the Tories

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