The Labour Government

As somebody who’s kids will end up paying IHT on my assets (though hopefully not for a long time) there’s something profoundly perplexing to me about inherited wealth.

People’s number one argument against IHT tends to be along the lines of “I worked hard all my life to set up my kids/family for the future, so it’s wrong to stop me passing the earnings from that hard work onto my kids”.

Yeah okay, sure, maybe you worked hard… But did they? The people actually receiving the wealth. What have they done to deserve that, exactly? Existed?

I find it weird that these are sometimes the same people who talk about layabouts getting handouts for nothing on the one hand, but then are rabid about giving their own handouts on the other. Money for nothing is fine as long as it’s my kids getting it and not some stranger? Seems a touch hypocritical. The benefit is completely de-coupled from the cost. If they want the benefits they should earn it, I thought that’s what rugged capitalism was about?

Confusing. I get it is a matter of opinion but it will never make sense to me. I might want to put a backstop in place to ensure my family avoids destitution after I’m gone, sure, but other than that? They can carve their own path. They should carve their own path. Until we’re at the point where we as a society live in abundance and work is no longer necessary, it doesn’t square with me.

Politics of envy in this respect looks a lot to me like moral consistency.
You've done it again. It will either make 2% difference or fuck all difference. Which one is it?
Shall we go around the loop once again:

2% reduction in CO2 output will make fuck all difference to climate change. I am puzzled as to what you are not grasping, unless it's English?
I agree, it's ridiculous the way Tory supporters and left wing socialists are on Labours back. I look at it this way, I've just got a new Job. The previous guy was inept below the level of incompetent for 14 years so what do I do? I can either ignore the problems and carry on and hope nobody notices or I can grow a pair and fix the problems no matter who I upset short term.
And turn down the heating.
I agree, it's ridiculous the way Tory supporters and left wing socialists are on Labours back. I look at it this way, I've just got a new Job. The previous guy was inept below the level of incompetent for 14 years so what do I do? I can either ignore the problems and carry on and hope nobody notices or I can grow a pair and fix the problems no matter who I upset short term.
But you assume a basic premise "The previous guy was inept below the level of incompetent for 14 years".

Serious question, do you think the what is it, £300bn we spent on the furlow scheme was necessary? That the cross-party support for it was correct? And do you think that the country shutting down for 1 to 2 years and the additional £300bn of debt might possibly have had an impact upon our current economic situation?

Do you think the worldwide increases in inflation rates, and the gross mishandling of that by the incompetent, independent, Bank of England, has had any bearing on the UK economy and the average person's disposable income?

How about the 10x increase in wholesale gas prices. Any effect on household energy bills, do you think?

I get that people were bored of 14 years of Tory governments and I get that they made some mistakes, some howlers. But so does every government. Labour have made several in their first 50 days. I cannot hardly wait for the next blunder.

It is absolute nonsense to blame the Tories entirely for the state of our economy, which incidentally is growing quite nicely and faster than the G7 right now.
A lot of people cheated on the furlough process.
Relatives of a mate claimed for non-existent employees and retired on the back of it.
That huge cloud that's been lifted is still gonna soak yer!
That’s what happens when you’ve lived under a decade, and more, of Tory cronyism and them stealing the poor to pay the rich. I expect nothing more than a few thunder storms along the way.

As for Hilts comments, he’s just a little bitter. A bit like a Rag, Dipper or Arsenal fan, just rather sad to be honest.

But, eh-oh, I’m content with the outcome and maybe Labour can lift a few (hypothetical) trophies, just like us.
I agree, it's ridiculous the way Tory supporters and left wing socialists are on Labours back. I look at it this way, I've just got a new Job. The previous guy was inept below the level of incompetent for 14 years so what do I do? I can either ignore the problems and carry on and hope nobody notices or I can grow a pair and fix the problems no matter who I upset short term.
Some treat politics like their football club, or we’re doing so well that they failed to see the decay of our society as a whole.

Just smile and walk-on by, it’s pointless debating, they turn every discussion into pigeon chess.
Some treat politics like their football club, or we’re doing so well that they failed to see the decay of our society as a whole.

Just smile and walk-on by, it’s pointless debating, they turn every discussion into pigeon chess.

You support the same football team as I do, just that your rosette is fucking red :)

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