The Labour Government

That’s typical of your average family with what is hard earned money at the end of life and successive governments take it off them.
From a personal experience Six months home
care costs £67 thousand pounds people with no savings get it free.

The family home will be carved up and CGT IHT will take another big slice, if there was a way round it we would go down that route definitely

Can’t touch it in a trust fund.
As somebody who’s kids will end up paying IHT on my assets (though hopefully not for a long time) there’s something profoundly perplexing to me about inherited wealth.

People’s number one argument against IHT tends to be along the lines of “I worked hard all my life to set up my kids/family for the future, so it’s wrong to stop me passing the earnings from that hard work onto my kids”.

Yeah okay, sure, maybe you worked hard… But did they? The people actually receiving the wealth. What have they done to deserve that, exactly? Existed?

I find it weird that these are sometimes the same people who talk about layabouts getting handouts for nothing on the one hand, but then are rabid about giving their own handouts on the other. Money for nothing is fine as long as it’s my kids getting it and not some stranger? Seems a touch hypocritical. The benefit is completely de-coupled from the cost. If they want the benefits they should earn it, I thought that’s what rugged capitalism was about?

Confusing. I get it is a matter of opinion but it will never make sense to me. I might want to put a backstop in place to ensure my family avoids destitution after I’m gone, sure, but other than that? They can carve their own path. They should carve their own path. Until we’re at the point where we as a society live in abundance and work is no longer necessary, it doesn’t square with me.

Politics of envy in this respect looks a lot to me like moral consistency.
I am one of those hypocrites you refer to. The point is that it is your money that you are leaving and your children you are leaving it to. My view is that if I can't spend it, then it should at least be my kids that enjoy the fruits of my labour and not as you quite rightly put it "some stranger"

I get the wanting them to stand on their own two feet but surely better to give them a helping hand rather than hand it to the goverment to waste.
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If you consider my post to be bitter bile it explains just how you come across as some delicate mitherer.
Unsure if you are a Ric-bot to keep the clicks up on the site or use those subtle references to certain subjects because you don’t want to come out as too Tory.

Anyway, mate, I’m off to enjoy some more of the day. No ‘mitherer’ here ;-)
I am one of those hypocrites you refer to. The point is that it is your money that you are leaving and your children you are leaving it to. My view is that if I can't spend then it should at least be my kids that enjoy the fruits of my labour and not as you quite rightly put it "some stranger"

I get the wanting them to stand on their own two feet but surely better to give them a helping hand rather than hand it to the goverment to waste.
And then them going to the government later because the money they could’ve got was taken when they could’ve used it!
Unsure if you are a Ric-bot to keep the clicks up on the site or use those subtle references to certain subjects because you don’t want to come out as too Tory.

Anyway, mate, I’m off to enjoy some more of the day. No ‘mitherer’ here ;-)

I'm pretty much Tory rather than Labour. Nowt to be ashamed of lad.

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