The Labour Government

No NHS waiting lists.

Sure Start.

Councils with money for parks, libraries, road repairs, subsidies to rural bus routes, to the arts. But apart from the aqueducts and the sewers, what did municipal government ever do for us?
Im sorry but NHS waiting lists were still a problem under the last Labour government.

Using the like for like data which is only available since 2007 its increased from a RTT (Referrals to Treatment) value of 4m to around 8m. To say there wasn't a waiting list is misleading. Whilst im not saying that the Tories havent made it a lot worse with their austerity, you also need to take into account the earlier detection of illness over the past 20yrs, increasing age of the population and increase in referrals for mental health issues.

The picture is a lot more complex than an initial look at the figures might suggest.
Shall we go around the loop once again:

2% reduction in CO2 output will make fuck all difference to climate change. I am puzzled as to what you are not grasping, unless it's English?
Lol it will either make a 2% difference or fuck all. Which one is it?
I am one of those hypocrites you refer to. The point is that it is your money that you are leaving and your children you are leaving it to. My view is that if I can't spend then it should at least be my kids that enjoy the fruits of my labour and not as you quite rightly put it "some stranger"

I get the wanting them to stand on their own two feet but surely better to give them a helping hand rather than hand it to the goverment to waste.

Yeah I get the perspective, and you’re free to take it… like I said I just can’t square it myself. I’m not calling anybody a hypocrite - after all some might be perfectly fine with the idea of people getting some leg up that they didn’t work for, one might be a monarchist for example. I’m saying I would think myself a hypocrite if I were to take that opinion because my philosophy is based on the idea that people should be rewarded for what they contribute to society.

I can’t get my brain to think that my kids somehow deserve something they didn’t work for. They don’t. It’s pretty much that simple. Do they deserve a stable life free from poverty and with their basic needs fulfilled? Of course, everybody does. Do they deserve a life of luxury living off dad’s trust fund? No, absolutely not.
Labour doing fine so far. A couple of blips that need a fix but now another day of us seeing them putting their words into actions.

Feel pretty good about the situation and can’t believe how relaxed I’ve become about politics. It’s like a huge cloud has been lifted.
I know exactly what you mean n your last paragraph. A huge weight gone. I hadn’t really thought about it too much until I read that and thought … exactly.
Lol it will either make a 2% difference or fuck all. Which one is it?
Mate, surely youi must be you trolling. And this is getting quite amusing, I must say.

I will say it for a 3rd time, "2% reduction in CO2 output will make fuck all difference to climate change."

What is it you cannot understand? The UK produces 2% of the world's CO2. If we reduce our CO2 output to zero, it is a 2% reduction in global CO2 output. A 2% reduction in global CO2 output will make fuck all difference to climate change.

Hence, "2% reduction in CO2 output will make fuck all difference to climate change".

Do you have any kids under 5? If yes, show them this and ask them to explain it to you ;-)
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