The Labour Government

If current immigration levels continue, in a little under 50 years white Britons will be a minority in the UK.

Does that matter?

I don't think the vast majority of people - myself included - give a toss about the colour of someone's skin. I also think most people don't mind ethnic diversity. It can and does enrich society.

But I do draw the line at the very real possibility of the UK at some point becoming an Islamic state. Birth rates amongst white British people are falling, and the Muslm population continues to increase as a percentage. There is an inexorable path here unless people wake up. To be fair, we have maybe 50 years to wake up but wake up we must.
Again, I’ll ask for evidence for that that goes beyond you feeling it’s true.

Starmer has 5 years to steady the ship, negate culture wars and start to make people feel positive again.

The Tories will want to elect a leader to ramp up the hate rhetoric online and make people as angry and hateful as possible. It’s their obvious way of getting back in in 2029.

We’re 2 months into the new government, 6 weeks of which have been a summer recess.
I just believe he makes a good leader. I am willing to be proven wrong.
They can’t complain then.
Oh I can assure it isn't. We on the right are PAINFULLY aware of it. Fewer votes than Corbyn, 1.2m fewer votes than the Tories & Reform combined and a 170 seat majority, which Starmer seems to be gleefully exploiting. It's a very depressing situation indeed. In fact genuinely, in some ways I'd rather Corbyn were PM. At least he has some integrity and you know where you stand with him. Starmer is as big a liar as Boris, just better at it. If he mentions that whopper of a lie about the unexpected £22m black hole again, I may throw something the TV. It's a bare-faced lie which he seems to think people will believe if he says it often enough.
At least you’re taking it rationally…
Can you elaborate on your claim
Obviously his way forward has been well planned and rehearsed a while ago. He had enough time before the election as we all knew what was happening. They have only assembled today but loads of decisions have been made, seemingly without debate. Let’s see how he goes, but he is under scrutiny by the electorate who didn’t vote for him and those who didn’t vote at all.
Obviously his way forward has been well planned and rehearsed a while ago. He had enough time before the election as we all knew what was happening. They have only assembled today but loads of decisions have been made, seemingly without debate. Let’s see how he goes, but he is under scrutiny by the electorate who didn’t vote for him and those who didn’t vote at all.
They can all vote again in 5 years time.

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