The Labour Government

I don't think the vast majority of people - myself included - give a toss about the colour of someone's skin. I also think most people don't mind ethnic diversity. It can and does enrich society.

Is it racist to believe otherwise?

In my experience people gravitate to folk like themselves and societies based on that are statistically more stable and harmonious.

But I do draw the line at the very real possibility of the UK at some point becoming an Islamic state. Birth rates amongst white British people are falling, and the Muslm population continues to increase as a percentage. There is an inexorable path here unless people wake up. To be fair, we have maybe 50 years to wake up but wake up we must.

I think that very unlikely, but why does it matter?

You can't have your cake and eat it, you can't celebrate diversity then wake up one morning and complain it's got too diverse for your liking.
It's the fucking reason he has to control immigration because you have to be careful not to upset the population, can you not fucking read?

If it were left to him we wouldn't have a culture left he'd have killed it. But people like you don't seem to give two fucks about that I wonder why that is?

Tony Blairs Government proposed and implemented some of the toughest immigration legislation ever.... Sadly the Conservatives chose to either ignore it or block its implementation when they came into power, at that time there were 18954 asylum applications waiting to be heard this rose to 166,261 cases at the end of 2022 (which is why they were being accommodated in hotels.)

Obviously his way forward has been well planned and rehearsed a while ago. He had enough time before the election as we all knew what was happening. They have only assembled today but loads of decisions have been made, seemingly without debate. Let’s see how he goes, but he is under scrutiny by the electorate who didn’t vote for him and those who didn’t vote at all.
What has that to do with the judicary?
Those who didn't vote have no gripe have they
Well, mostly, I find no point in any discussion on this thread as views are already entrenched and have yet to see someone be convinced enough to change their minds, either way.

With that said, I have long come to the conclusion that these issues are conflated and the ire is often directed at the wrong places... except for the cowards who find the excuses and freedom to act out their repression, no matter which side that is.

I found this video extremely interesting with the nail hit on head at 7 mins and 10 mins+.

There's, actually, enough for everybody to live together, but it depends on the gov you want vs the gov you get.
That's nonsense mate. What about the fact that the police didn't turn up to that pub, or to the roundabout where they were brandishing machete's (sp?). And the copper asking if they would drop their knives off at the mosque.

As I said before, it's not about specific incidents though is it. It's the playing field generally, and it does not feel at all level. And as I said, perhaps for understandable reasons: the police are worried about being branded as being racist. Personally, I am also sure they are leaned on by the government - with Starmer to be a staunch multi-culturalist who cannot afford to admit we have any issues with immigration.

If you don't want to accept it, or don't agree with this view then fine by me.
It's not exactly two tier policing but it's certainly choice based policing. But this is to be expected. If you need 1,000 police officers to police everything and you have 200 then which incidents should they sort out first? Somebody has to make that choice and clearly the government made it.

My slight annoyance is that the resource problems are sort of obvious however they still found plenty of resources to pursue random people on Twitter so the resources can indeed be there when they need to be... Not that it matters too much given the type of characters they banged up.
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What has that to do with the judicary?
Those who didn't vote have no gripe have they
We’ll see how many new laws we get. That will be the proof for me. He’s no economist from what I read, if we need growth I’m not sure he’s the man. Need someone dynamic, inspirational and more off the cuff. He only reads things, very scripted, dare I say boring.
Tony Blairs Government proposed and implemented some of the toughest immigration legislation ever.... Sadly the Conservatives chose to either ignore it or block its implementation when they came into power, at that time there were 18954 asylum applications waiting to be heard this rose to 166,261 cases at the end of 2022 (which is why they were being accommodated in hotels.)

This isn't about the Tories, Blairs comment wasn't really about that. Just because the Tories brought in immigrants doesn't make them right either.

It was about Blairs snidey comment about we have to be careful with immigration because the population wont like it, like he would just open the floodgates if nobody said nowt.

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