The Labour Government

This isn't about the Tories, Blairs comment wasn't really about that. Just because the Tories brought in immigrants doesn't make them right either.

It was about Blairs snidey comment about we have to be careful with immigration because the population wont like it, like he would just open the floodgates if nobody said nowt.

Watch what they do ... not what they say

Blairs Government were never going to open the 'Floodgates'' as Tories allege . The legislation proposed and in the pipeline was exactly the opposite ... and all whilst we honoured our international agreements / legislation.
I'll go out on a limb and say anyone out on a riot against immigration is not likely to be a Labour voter, or it they are I'd rather nor be asking for their vote.

Whereas the Tories have provided the rhetoric that we heard from the rioters.

Well that's one hell of a limb. Have you not SEEN the anti-immigration sentiment amongst the working class in the red wall seats? My god you'd be blind to miss it.
OK, watched it. John McTernan was talking nonsense. Thousands and thousands of people went outside to protest during these riots. A small number - perhaps a hundred or even a couple of hundred, I would guess - out of the thousands, were obviously criminals and did engage in riot. But thousands did not riot, they stood and watched and perhaps chanted or shouted.

To suggest they are all far-right racists is just ridiculous. Apart from anything else, the majority of people in many of those towns are Labour supporters. McTernan is just yet another example of someone who is not prepared to acknowledge that people are concerned about mass immigration. How on earth does he think Reform got 4,1m votes? Who were these voters, does he think?
People who just stood and watched and perhaps chanted or shouted?

I'll go out on a limb and say anyone out on a riot against immigration is not likely to be a Labour voter, or it they are I'd rather nor be asking for their vote.

Whereas the Tories have provided the rhetoric that we heard from the rioters.

You may be right but that is a bold statement. Weren’t the majority of brexiteers Labour voters (if not the majority a significant number)? Wasn’t the main reason people voted Brexit because of immigration?

It’s easy to just brand the rioters as racist whereas they are as likely to be motivated by nationalism / xenophobia - and there is no difference between far left xenophobia and far right xenophobia. It’s not as if Labour went in to the election with a positive message on immigration but rather they would control it better than the tories. Now xenophobic folk may not care enough to go out on to the streets and riot and if your premise is that only the racists care enough to go riot you may well be right.

With the rise of popularity of politicians spouting this kind of message it is dangerous to just pigeonhole people and think the racists are the whole problem when it’s feels more cross board than that - what we really need to do is change the narrative on immigration and stop talking about it as a negative or in negative terms. Brexit was lost as remain got dragged in to leaves orbit rather than fight on its stronger ground, mainstream politics needs to make sure they don’t get in to making the same mistakes again with Farage and co.
Re Starmers constant lying, this should be played on repeat ad nauseum until the lying twat comes clean that he's simply creating an excuse to stuff the British taxpayer.

This from May this year.


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