The Labour Government

Honestly, I find this just another example of wokeish bollocks. What on earth is wrong with saying that people work for you.

Describing everyone as colleagues is plain misleading. I am not a colleague of my CEO, I work for him and have zero shame in that. Colleague implies we are equals on the same level and we are not.

I heard on Monday that we should not describe parents as parents in case it offends the delicate souls who have adopted or whatever, so we must call ourselves "care providers". What an absolute load of horseshit. I file not being able to say "Peter works for me" in the same stupid bin.

The sooner woke is got rid of, and we can call a spade a spade, society will be a lot better off.
my "care providers " were cunts
Honestly, I find this just another example of wokeish bollocks. What on earth is wrong with saying that people work for you.

Describing everyone as colleagues is plain misleading. I am not a colleague of my CEO, I work for him and have zero shame in that. Colleague implies we are equals on the same level and we are not.

I heard on Monday that we should not describe parents as parents in case it offends the delicate souls who have adopted or whatever, so we must call ourselves "care providers". What an absolute load of horseshit. I file not being able to say "Peter works for me" in the same stupid bin.

The sooner woke is got rid of, and we can call a spade a spade, society will be a lot better off.
I'm far from woke, I ran my own small parts haulage bysiness for the last 10 years of my working life, I employed a few people over those years, never once did I say those people "worked for me". It's just down to human decency and appreciation that someone would join me to help my business and make a profit.

I passed my business on to the last lad who worked with me, I didn't ask for any money and gave him one of my vehicles FOC and the other one at a reduced rate.

Do you call your CEO Mr? I didn't and if you read my previous post about Nigel Payne you'll know he referred to me as a colleague, Google him to see the good work he's done over the years especially for the Professional Jockey's Association.
I'm far from woke, I ran my own small parts haulage bysiness for the last 10 years of my working life, I employed a few people over those years, never once did I say those people "worked for me". It's just down to human decency and appreciation that someone would join me to help my business and make a profit.

I passed my business on to the last lad who worked with me, I didn't ask for any money and gave him one of my vehicles FOC and the other one at a reduced rate.

Do you call your CEO Mr? I didn't and if you read my previous post about Nigel Payne you'll know he referred to me as a colleague, Google him to see the good work he's done over the years especially for the Professional Jockey's Association.
fuck what nobs on the internet think, chuckle and make a brew.

Interesting that the French Interior minister didn't shy away from blaming the UKs loosely regulated job market that attracts illegal migration resulting in people risking their lives to cross the channel for a better life. He didnt mention asylum seekers at all.

This is clearly something that UK politicians have clearly shied away from. If we are honest this comes back to France's more strict enforcement of employment laws and right to work and especially their requirement for national ID cards. Employment laws and the right to work are essentially self enforcing in the UK with few checks and we as a country have continued to reject ID cards. Something that Tony Blair suggested to Starmer as a way of controlling illegal migration recently. Perhaps the UK government need to recheck their approach to this problem.
I read that and thought it sounded entirely reasonable. Then thought that every politician who wants a completely deregulated jobs market, with massively reduced workers rights, are exactly the same ones who stand up and shout things like Stop The Boats.

Then, when you look at the number of ‘illegals’ in France massively outstripping those trying to get to Blighty, it does suggest that there might be a myriad of factors at play, which are a bit more tricky than a handy sound bite.
Its interesting that many people point to places like Sweden and Nordic countries as how the state system should work.

Whilst its only a small amount, if you visit a doctors, need an ambulance or require a stay in hospital in Sweden there is a small surcharge. To see a doctor costs between £8 and £30 but its capped in any 12 month period to around £90 in total. Hospital stays are around £10 per night. There is also a cost for an ambulance on top if one is needed but once again its capped.

There's are no cost if you're under 20 or over 85.

It does make you wonder if by doing something similar it would cut down on people making unnecessary calls. I know a few who work in A&E who have told me anecdotally of people going with a headache and being given a couple of paracetamols, plus those who decide to drink to excess or come unstuck doing "recreational" drugs who then require treatment would at least be paying something back.

Whilst its not the sole answer, the money might allow us to improve the healthcare system, however it would also need more taxation on top to achieve the same doctor & hospital bed ratios per person as Sweden, which is roughly twice as many as the UK.

Update... Just had a look and there are 1.38m doctors appointments per day in the UK, if only 500k were eligible to pay at a figure of £10 per appointment that would over a year (based on 260 working days) equate to £1.3Bn. I dont know the exact figure but lets say a doctor costs the NHS 200k per year, thats 6500 extra doctors you could have or probably three times that many nurses.
That's cheaper than a travelogue and an uber taxi
Honestly, I find this just another example of wokeish bollocks. What on earth is wrong with saying that people work for you.

Describing everyone as colleagues is plain misleading. I am not a colleague of my CEO, I work for him and have zero shame in that. Colleague implies we are equals on the same level and we are not.

I heard on Monday that we should not describe parents as parents in case it offends the delicate souls who have adopted or whatever, so we must call ourselves "care providers". What an absolute load of horseshit. I file not being able to say "Peter works for me" in the same stupid bin.

The sooner woke is got rid of, and we can call a spade a spade, society will be a lot better off.
Could we call a hoe a hoe?

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