The Labour Government

I took retirement at 56 after a serious illness. I had paid not only into "the system" for 38 years but also into a company pension for that whole period. I now drawdown on the pension and pay 40% tax on it. So how am I economically inactive?
But that's not what the government needs, they need you back in work, its not about paying your income tax its about creating wealth for the country. They pay you £30 an hour and the business charges you out at £90 an hour. You pay your tax and so does the business along with the associated increase in GDP.
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But that not what the government needs, they need you back in work, its not about paying your income tax its about creating wealth for the country. They pay you £30 an hour and the business charges you out at £90 an hour. You pay your tax and so does the business along with the associated increase in GDP.

Yep, the sooner we all realise we are born into what is in reality a system that relies on our slave like labour for which we are paid just enough to live on whilst throwing it all back into the system every week/month the better.

No government is ever changing it either.
Please tell us you didn't vote for Brexit if you're moaning about workers getting increased pay. I thought the "foreigners" were coming in and driving salaries down-well now supply and demand has kicked in and pay is rising for all those downtrodden local workers.
No idea what point you are making to me, I'm well aware of supply and demand and no I didn't vote for Brexit, it impacted on my business with a knock on that affected the people I employed, all be it small scale.

Btw, I don't moan, I get it with what I have to, I'll leave the moaning others, I'm just expressing an opinion.
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Across the western world, this is the picture, yet we have the lowest pension AND the highest retirement age. Meanwhile, swathes of companies who conduct their business here divert their profits to havens to reduce their tax bill. The two are incompatible: do business in this nation, pay tax in this nation.

£12.50 per week. I’m booking my private jet as we speak. Off on my holidays.

Oh wait, I’ve got a fuel bill to pay and that’s gone up.
Travelling to the hospital and paying parking at least once per week some weeks more. Yes I could travel by bus but bus stops too far away for my walk.
I could go on but I forgot I’m an expendable pensioner. Sorry to butt in.
You're correct Mrs EB, it's not a lot is it? I'm on your side btw, I just think Seniors getting a near 6% increase is seen by some as free money, it's not, like a lot of us I paid NI contributions for 47 years, my reward is about a state pension worth £220 a work and a draw down Pension that has lost 40% of its value in the past 5 years.
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Whilst ending the junior doctors strikes, how many operations and lives is that saving? Ending the train strikes, sorting out the NHS and dealing with the 22 billion black hole the Tories left - but yes, it’s Labour that are the cruel ones.

They have sorted the sum total of fuck all out, when are they going to remove those cruel tory policies they whinged about for 14 years?

And sending Germanys asylum seekers to Rwanda is fine now.
Since when have Germany adopted the Rwanda policy?

Does the news you only like register with you?

Is that really the worst of it? The ONS did some research a few years ago on people who had never worked. They narrowed down to something like 10,000 out of 41 million, a group of "discouraged workers" who had not worked and had given up trying to find a job.

There really aren't lots of people who have never done a days work in their lives.

Yes that is the worst of it. 56% of pensioners haven’t paid full stamp. The worst of it is where they haven’t paid a single penny towards it, then you have those that have paid some, all of these folk get WFA. Paid all your stamp? Nah pal you can go without.
Does the news you only like register with you?

Oblivious mate.

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