The Labour Government

The post said the "worst" thing is not that there might be a few million pensioners in the middle, struggling, but now not getting the WFA. The "worst" thing was that there are a small number of people who are marginally "less deserving" than a small number of people just over the pension credit limit.

Given that benefit entitlement will often open up additions from free prescriptions, or access to replacement boiler programmes, some of the right wingers on here must have been constantly outraged for the last few decades.

ps. If you there are a large number of pensioners who have only ever worked 2 days or even 20 months in their entire lives, I'd like to see the stats. Given the number who reach pension age without doing any work is apparently tiny, it's a huge stretch to imagine there is any kind of significant number who have hardly worked.

You only qualify after 10 years
Does the news you only like register with you?

You see why I just flick past these type of posts as they are either trolling or bad faith actors.

I read this a couple of days ago on the Beeb and was a non-story where a junior minister from a minority party in Germany was asked a question on Rwanda, and responded that they ‘could’ take up the scheme.

Scholz immediately quashed any talk of it as they are looking to do what we are doing, with the UK government, who have been in recent discussions with Germany, confirming the same. Germany are looking at 3rd countries to process asylum applications, like the UK.

The whole story was a nothing and would have been dismissed by anybody who had the whereabouts to do some critical thinking, then it ends up on here as fact.

Like I say, bad faith actor or, just a troll? Unless … you actually believed it?
The old age pension was introduced when 5% of the population was over 65. That's now 20% and still rising.

The birthrate is going down.

What happens when there are more pensioners than people working to pay for pensions - and for the health care costs for millions of people in their 90s?

(Discuss without reference to the current outrage over winter fuel payments.)

You could argue that when the NHS was introduced it cost £5bn a year in today’s terms. Should we bin it off as it’s a bit spenny these days.
You see why I just flick past these type of posts as they are either trolling or bad faith actors.

I read this a couple of days ago on the Beeb and was a non-story where a junior minister from a minority party in Germany was asked a question on Rwanda, and responded that they ‘could’ take up the scheme.

Scholz immediately quashed any talk of it as they are looking to do what we are doing, with the UK government, who have been in recent discussions with Germany, confirming the same. Germany are looking at 3rd countries to process asylum applications, like the UK.

The whole story was a nothing and would have been dismissed by anybody who had the whereabouts to do some critical thinking, then it ends up on here as fact.

Like I say, bad faith actor, or just a troll.

All the papers covered it and still cover it now, the fact Labour sold the facilities on is the big story here.

Also they announced that they themselves are going to stop the boats 3 days ago, you're a fucking tory pal.
He'll ask for a reputable source :)

Well it says right there in the articles you posted that:

1. They’re unlikely to adopt the policy at all, this is just one of the smaller parties in the coalition talking about it
2. Their suggested policy is fundamentally different to the UK in that people will only go there while they wait for their claim to be processed and then return if successful.
3. They would do this under UN guidance and supervision to ensure international law was being followed. So the ethical dilemma you seem to be proposing is kind of solved if such a mechanism was implemented.

Sure you can say this is “a” Rwanda policy. But it’s certainly not the Conservatives Rwanda policy - which was deemed to be illegal and a contravention of international law.

I still think it’s a terrible, expensive and rubbish idea and an absolute non-starter even in this format. But if the Germans want to go to great lengths to mobilise something legally acceptable and pay us for the privilege then they can knock themselves out.
But that's not what the government needs, they need you back in work, its not about paying your income tax its about creating wealth for the country. They pay you £30 an hour and the business charges you out at £90 an hour. You pay your tax and so does the business along with the associated increase in GDP.
I do create wealth, everytime I go out for lunch, have a coffee, stay in a hotel... I also pay £20k in income tax as well as VAT on goods and services used.

In August there were 884000 work vacancies and 1.44m registered unemployed. So actually 600k more unemployed workers than vacancies. Now, according to you, HMG thinks I should go and get a job. Let's assume any "decent" paying job will require the employer to train me. So that's probably not attractive for them, me being 63.

OK, I'll go for,( and I have nothing against anyone used in an example), a vacancy at B&Q, Greggs or Waitrose( other employers do exist) for minimum wage or thereabouts. I now have an income and so I'll drawdown less from my pension. I don't have as much free time to spend it, so no longer need as much, so no longer pay 40% tax. I also don't go out as much so local businesses are not getting my custom as they did. I'm also filling a role that potentially someone less well off, and at present generating NO wealth, or maybe even claiming unemployment benefit, could be doing. My input to the economy has not changed in a positive manner, far from it.

The key is not what the likes of I do or not generate, but how those 884k vacancies can be filled from the 1.44m. Either the location of the vacancies and unemployed don't match, or more likely the vacancies are for roles that many of us would not want to be carrying out for whatever reason. I don't profess to know what the answer is.
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Whilst ending the junior doctors strikes, how many operations and lives is that saving? Ending the train strikes, sorting out the NHS and dealing with the 22 billion black hole the Tories left - but yes, it’s Labour that are the cruel ones.

If it was such a good policy why are Labour MPs distancing themselves from it. Even cabinet members. If a thundercunt like Streeting thinks it’s shit then you can bet it’s really shit.

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