The Labour Government

They have no choice but to free up prison places , the tories let them drop to a hundred in the whole country., What do labour do ? The police have to be able to arrest criminals and the courts send some to prison, without that happening might as well decriminalise everything
Maybe send all the foreign prisoners back to their homeland would be a start and not imprison 50 year old women for making a post on face book would also help.
Yep - the thing is though can you image the vitriol of the usual suspects if the Tories had done this?
Yet a Labour government does it and with the odd exception - support for Reeves!
Not just WFP though it's now looking like single pensioner Council Tax relief and free travel passes on top.
So you will now only have the option of freezing in your home without the option of traveling to public buildings to keep warm.
Lovely - a pogrom on older folks couldn't be designed better.
Assume you have been fulminating on the closure of public buildings over the last 14 years? Over 4000 public buildings being sold off every year, with a massive amount more requiring renewal or repair. Over 4000 public buildings still contain asbestos..

All that being said, what is a shame is that we can’t just agree to try to support the poor somewhat better, whoever they are and stop protecting our own interests all the time.
For example, what you won’t often have noticed, is older people protesting about cuts that affect children, such as sure start, or universal credit having to £20 uplift being taken away, or bemoaning the fact that students are paying an extra 9% on their income tax, just to owe more and more on their student loans every year.

Of course, we could all ask why Shell, Equinor, Exxon and BP are making £65B in net profits a year between them (a weeks worth would be enough to restore the WFA) and could they perhaps behave a little differently?
All that being said, what is a shame is that we can’t just agree to try to support the poor somewhat better, whoever they are and stop protecting our own interests all the time.

I suspect those days are long gone, most protest now are people telling other people what to do and how to do it.

Supporting the lower tier of well off people should always be our aim.
Just waiting for the reoffenders to rock back up to the big gates, it'll happen a lot sooner rather than later.
Guaranteed. Saw an interview with one that had just cone out who said it was his first conviction. The guy in the studio did a quick Google and found he'd been done 11 times and the one he'd been released for was for gbh on a stranger who refused to give him a fag so he beat the shit out of him and got 4 years, just let out after 14 mths. What purpose do scrotes like that serve society.
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Guaranteed. Saw an interview with one that had just cone out who said it was his first conviction. The guy in the studio did a quick Google and found he'd been done 11 times and the one he'd been released for was for gbh on a stranger who refused to give him a fag so he beat the shit out of him and got 4 years, just let out after 14 mths. What purpose do acrotes like that serve society.

Cunts are giving interviews out like they have just been emancipated from Guantanamo, now the criminals are the victims.

Thanks Labour.
Just waiting for the reoffenders to rock back up to the big gates, it'll happen a lot sooner rather than later.
Trouble is, prison has largely given up on rehabilitation, so most of them turn up again, whether they are released sooner or later. Like most other things, our probation system and much of our prison estate has been hived off to private companies. State sanctioned punishment and or rehab services should be run by the state and not for profit.
Cunts are giving interviews out like they have just been emancipated from Guantanamo, now the criminals are the victims.

Thanks Labour.
Yep, I thought we were all lead to believe it would only those who had committed minor offences that would be let out and no violent or sexual offenders would be considered.

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