The Labour Government

This Labour government is a reincarnation of Tony Bliar's goverment. "We'll say anything required to win power" . Once we're in then forget it.
As opposed to “let’s get Brexit done, we’ll build 40 new hospitals, 300,000 new homes a year, reducing health inequality, end rough sleeping, ban no-fault evictions”, from the truthful party?
As opposed to “let’s get Brexit done, we’ll build 40 new hospitals, 300,000 new homes a year, reducing health inequality, end rough sleeping, ban no-fault evictions”, from the truthful party?

To be fair nobody is defending the Tories, it's just that Labour should be so much more no?
They have no choice but to free up prison places , the tories let them drop to a hundred in the whole country., What do labour do ? The police have to be able to arrest criminals and the courts send some to prison, without that happening might as well decriminalise everything

I get the logic to why they let them out. They just don’t seem to have joined the dots and given the right amount of time to probation services to find them places to live etc.

There was a good discussion on R5 today where they were saying that building new prisons is incredibly hard, funding being the hardest part as you’re competing for funds that would otherwise go to build a new hospital or schools, politicians love a photo op in a hard hat outside them… a little less sexy when they do it outside a prison.
I agree but he did liken Starmer to Blair for duplicity, suggesting that Cameron (Osborne), May, Johnson, Truss and Sunak were paragons of truth and honesty.

Just quoting and mentioning these politicians and the one who is in power right now tells us that we are pretty fucked, do you know what? I'd have preferred the evil Uncle Corbyn to this shower of shit.

At least the dodgy old bastard didn't lie about hating this country :)
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This Labour government is a reincarnation of Tony Bliar's goverment. "We'll say anything required to win power" . Once we're in then forget it.

There was a fact check on the BBC website of the first Blair government's manifesto.

They had done the vast majority of what they said they'd do, by the end of their first term.

Not sure it's even remotely possible to argue they haven't done things after 2 months, and without a first budget.
To be fair nobody is defending the Tories, it's just that Labour should be so much more no?
Well, if it's about whose pension cuts cause the most excess deaths, here's the Tory entrant:

Cunts are giving interviews out like they have just been emancipated from Guantanamo, now the criminals are the victims.

Thanks Labour.
I'm not sure the system was OK on July 3rd and suddenly has been broken since then.

Just to put it into context:

Anyone on a sentence of more than 4 years is not eligible for this, so:

4 years = 1460 days they would normally, before today serve 1460/2 = 730 days. That has now been reduced to 730-20% = 584 days. So a prisoner who is released on day 1 of a 4 years sentence would benefit by being released early by 146 days.

The vast majority of those released will have already served a major chunk of their sentence so many will have been due for release in the near future anyway. I'm not saying it is right that they have to do this, but short of producing additional places out of thin air, they're caught between a rock and a hard place-and little to none of it is anyone's fault but the Conservatives.
Well, if it's about whose pension cuts cause the most excess deaths, here's the Tory entrant:

IMHO women shouldn't have gotten the pension before men anyway, equality when it suited.

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