The Labour Government

I'm not sure the system was OK on July 3rd and suddenly has been broken since then.

Just to put it into context:

Anyone on a sentence of more than 4 years is not eligible for this, so:

4 years = 1460 days they would normally, before today serve 1460/2 = 730 days. That has now been reduced to 730-20% = 584 days. So a prisoner who is released on day 1 of a 4 years sentence would benefit by being released early by 146 days.

The vast majority of those released will have already served a major chunk of their sentence so many will have been due for release in the near future anyway. I'm not saying it is right that they have to do this, but short of producing additional places out of thin air, they're caught between a rock and a hard place-and little to none of it is anyone's fault but the Conservatives.

Yeah they are being released early, why are so many people on this thread just blaming the Tories who we knew got it wrong? This thread is about the Labour government.
I get the logic to why they let them out. They just don’t seem to have joined the dots and given the right amount of time to probation services to find them places to live etc.

There was a good discussion on R5 today where they were saying that building new prisons is incredibly hard, funding being the hardest part as you’re competing for funds that would otherwise go to build a new hospital or schools, politicians love a photo op in a hard hat outside them… a little less sexy when they do it outside a prison.

Mr Timpson doesn't want as many people in prison, isn't that what Labour and himself announced?

Yet more prisons are promised? With this govt I can't make head nor tail of their blatant lies.
Yeah they are being released early, why are so many people on this thread just blaming the Tories who we knew got it wrong? This thread is about the Labour government.
If you want it to be just about Labour, here's tomorrows headline: "We can't put anyone in jail no matter what their crime" No context, no explaination, no reason. If you read that, whose fault would you decide it is? Labour no doubt. Are you happy that today's convicted murderer can't be jailed because there's no room, because I'm not. That's why context is important and there are plenty on here with their one liners, who when challenged either ignore the challenge or are totally bereft of any ideas themselves how to resolve the issues they are moaning about.
Rents going up and up and up. When does it end ?
Rent caps need to be introduced. House shares with 6 number of people should not cost more than x a month, Flats with 2 resident should not cost more than y a month etc.
Needs to be some sort of quality control also.
If landlords can't afford this then hard fucking luck.
Mr Timpson doesn't want as many people in prison, isn't that what Labour and himself announced?

Yet more prisons are promised? With this govt I can't make head nor tail of their blatant lies.

Both things were in the manifesto. It's supposed to be extra capacity so that they can deal with fluctuations, and so they're not close to being overcrowded, which obviously causes problems inside the prisons.

But they also said they'd try to reduce the overall prison population, by investing in prevention of reoffending.

If you want to educate people in prison, and get them into jobs when they leave, then running at 99% capacity is going to make that very hard. It surely becomes a place which just about copes, has less supervision and support, and has to lock people away for more of the day. Those extra, modern prisons will make it easier to rehabilitate.
Huge own goal so far , totally wrong to doing what they are doing to pensioners , they should have announced it will start next winter , change the threshold for pension credt, make the form easier to do and give people chance to claim it or if not eligible rearrange their finances if possible. All of that makes sense to me ,you cant just give people a months notice

I do believe rich pensioners should not have the wfa so no problem wirh that , timing and fairness is everything
Both things were in the manifesto. It's supposed to be extra capacity so that they can deal with fluctuations, and so they're not close to being overcrowded, which obviously causes problems inside the prisons.

But they also said they'd try to reduce the overall prison population, by investing in prevention of reoffending.

If you want to educate people in prison, and get them into jobs when they leave, then running at 99% capacity is going to make that very hard. It surely becomes a place which just about copes, has less supervision and support, and has to lock people away for more of the day. Those extra, modern prisons will make it easier to rehabilitate.

I didn't ask your opinion to be fair mate, I am just pointing out that Labour and building more prisons but are claiming they are locking less people up.
If you want it to be just about Labour, here's tomorrows headline: "We can't put anyone in jail no matter what their crime" No context, no explaination, no reason. If you read that, whose fault would you decide it is? Labour no doubt. Are you happy that today's convicted murderer can't be jailed because there's no room, because I'm not. That's why context is important and there are plenty on here with their one liners, who when challenged either ignore the challenge or are totally bereft of any ideas themselves how to resolve the issues they are moaning about.

It's about Labour because this is the Labour thread and they are the ones in power right now, it's not that difficult is it?

However there is a Tory thread people can still complain on.

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